William Torrey Harris
Under the direction of William Torrey Harris, St. Louis public schools designed a system for early grade promotions for those who exhibited outstanding academic ability. This was the earliest effort of gifted education. -
Hereditary Genius
Sir Francis Galton wrote Hereditary Genius which stated that intelligence was hereditary and could be passed down through generations. This was the first significant research that pertained to gifted education. -
First School For Gifted Education was Created
The first school for gifted education was opened in Worcester, Massachusetts. -
Binet-Simon Test of Intelligence
This test was created by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon to measure a child's intelligence according to their age. They believed that intelligence was learned and that children had a different type of intelligence, so they should be measured in a different way. -
Lewis Terman
Lewis Terman is considered the father of the gifted education movement. Lewis Terman published the Stanford-Binet which was a modification of the Binet-Simon test. This test advanced intelligence testing and had a substantial impact on American schools and gifted education. -
Longitudinal Study of Gifted Individuals
Lewis Terman conducts the longest running longitudinal study of gifted children. This study included 1,500 students and remains the longest running study of gifted students. -
P. S. 500, the Speyer School
Leta Hollingsworth collaborated on plans to organize an experiment class of gifted students in New York City. This school was called the Special Opportunity Class at P. S. 165 and the experiment was beneficial in arousing interest in gifted education. -
"Gifted Children: The Nature and Nurture"
Leta Hollingworth wrote the book "Gifted Children: The Nature and Nurture" which was considered the first text book on gifted education. -
National Association for Gifted Children
Ann Isaacs leads the way to the discovery of the National Association for Gifted Children. -
The National Defense Education Act
This act provided funding to United States education institutions at all levels. This is the first effort in gifted education by the federal government. -
A Nation at Risk
A Nation at Risk documents scores of America’s top students and their failure to compete with international counterparts.This program explores the impact of the "free market" experiments that ensued, from vouchers and charter schools to privatization, all with the goal of meeting tough new academic standards. -
Gifted and Talented Students Education Act
Jacob Javits's Gifted and Talented Students Education Act is the only federal program dedicated specifically to gifted education and gifted students. The purpose of the act was to prepare elementary and secondary schools to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. -
National Excellence : The Case for Developing America's Talent
This report outlines recommendations to meet the educational needs of gifted students, and is in response to America's neglect of talented youth. -
Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Program Standards
NAGC publishes Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Program Standards to provide guidelines for gifted education in seven academic areas. -
A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest Students
With support from the John Templeton Foundation, the editors held a Summit on Acceleration at The University of Iowa in 2003.They created a report that acceleration and accelerated learning and outlined how schools should go about educating highly capable students. -
NAGC: National Gifted Education Standards
The NAGC published national gifted education standards.