Historic Energy Events

  • William Gilbert

    William Gilbert
    William Gilbert published "De Magnete". which was his study of electricity and magnets.
  • Benjamin Franklin flying kite in thunderstorm

    Benjamin Franklin flying kite in thunderstorm
    In 1752 Ben Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm with a key attached to the string. This led to his discovery that static electricity is the same as lightening.
  • The first battery

    The first battery
    Alessandro Volta created the first electrical battery. He is also credited with the discovery of methane.
  • electric motor

    electric motor
    this was the first electric motor created
  • Water turbine

    Water turbine
    The first water turbine was created.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison created the first light bulb. Which completely changed cities now allowing people to be out at night.
  • Solar Power

    Solar Power
    Henry Becquerel observes the production of electricity directly from the sun while experimenting with an electrolytic cell. Used sun for energy.
  • Flashlight with On/Off switch

    Flashlight with On/Off switch
    Conrad Hubert received patent the flashlight in 1903. it was revolutionary because he used an on/off switch.
  • Lasers

    Albert Einstein est theoretic foundation for lasers was discovered.
  • the wind turbine

    the wind turbine
    The world's first megawatt wind turbine is built and connected to the power grid in Castleton, Vermont. The turbine has 75-foot blades and weighs 240 tons.