The start
Hitler secretly met with his top advisors to speak of Germany and how in order for Germany to grow and prosper they will need the land of its' neighbors. -
The first Invasion
German Troops march into Austria. The purpose of this was to annex Austria. -
signing of the Munich Agreement
The annexation of Czechoslovakia to Germany. This annexed northern and western border regions, formerly being part of German-Austria known collectively as the Sudetenland, under terms outlined by the Munich Agreement -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
The German army goes into Czechoslovakia and takes it over. Adding it to their empire -
Nonaggression Pact
The promise never to combat each with each other.
This was with Germany and The Soviet Union -
Bombing of Poland
This was an act to get "Living space" for the citizens of Germany. Hitler tried to cover it up saying it was a defensive tactic. -
War is Declared
Britain and France declare war on Germany. -
Invasion of Denmark and Norway
They had started their assault to continue their assimilation to make Germany bigger. -
The end of German Expansion
Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender