Gabby Giancotti Through The Years:

By GabbyG
  • Gabby was born!!!

    Gabby was born!!!
    It was July 23 2007, a Monday. My due date was supposed to be the 28th, but I wanted out earlier. My mom was admitted into the hospital because her water broke, and it was 10:02 pm when I was out into the world. I was 7.2 pounds and 21 inches. When I got my first bath, I apparently loved the water so much the nurses called me the "little fish", and decorated my hat with all things water related.
  • Started sitting up

    Started sitting up
    When I was around 6 months old I started to sit up!! I also started crawling, babbling, eating solid foods. I was OBSESSED with my binky at this age too, what I called my nuck nuck. I also would only sleep on this one pillow, and when people needed to pass me they would pass me on the pillow to one another, I find that kind of funny.
  • Gabby's first birthday

    Gabby's first birthday
    When I turned one years old I had my first birthday party ever. The party was Hawaiian themed, ironically because we lived in Florida at the time and everything was tropical. The picture below is me eating my smash cake, making a huge mess. I was surrounded by lots of family, some traveling all the way from Michigan to celebrate!
  • Grandpa passed away

    Grandpa passed away
    Although I was quite young when my grandpa passed away, I feel like when I look through the pictures I remember the moments. He was my fathers dad, and the first grandparent of mine to pass away. There were many grandchildren, but I do remember being loved by him very much, and can probably say I was his favorite. He gifted me a pink guitar that I have in my room til this day, something I can always remember him by.
  • Moved to Michigan/ into apartment

    Moved to Michigan/ into apartment
    When I was three years old me and my family packed up and moved from Florida to Michigan. We moved into a new apartment complex that opened up right in Grandville. I had my own room, and I actually remember this apartment very well. I know the layout all in my head, and even though I had a home before this one, the apartment truly felt like my first home.
  • Started playing soccer

    Started playing soccer
    When I was four years old I started playing soccer. Although you can't tell from the picture...I actually enjoyed soccer a lot! I found it very fun and continued to play it for a couple years. I remember practicing with my dad a lot and him being my coach when I was younger. I think that's why I enjoyed it so much, I got to spend a lot of time with my dad doing something we both found joy in.
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
    I started Kindergarten when I was five years old. The picture is from our graduating ceremony, which I find so cute knowing now I'll be dressed the same way in a couple months! I started my education journey at Grandview elementary school. I have lots of sweet and sacred memories from this place. My kindergarten teacher was Mrs Bailey, and we had a class bunny named Cupcake!!
  • Met my best friend <3

    Met my best friend <3
    In first grade I met my best friend. Her name is Katelyn, but I call her Kate. She has been apart of me and my family's life for the past twelve years. We had Mrs Arim's class together, and for the next four years, had the same homeroom with each other. We grew to be inseparable throughout the years. Even when I moved schools, our bond stayed just as tight. I am so lucky to have someone like her in my life and forever grateful for all the memories we share and will continue to make.
  • Moved into condo

    Moved into condo
    When I was seven years old we moved into yet another home. This place was also in Grandville, but we upgraded from an apartment to a condo!! I had my very own room, that was themed Hello Kitty, and I had a secret room, which wasn't so secret, that I loved so much. Most of my childhood memories are in this condo, and every now and then me and my family will pass it and take a trip down memory lane.
  • Broke my first bone...

    Broke my first bone...
    The first bone I ever broke was my arm. I was on a trampoline with a couple of friends playing this game we called 1,2,3. I was flying in the air high, when I came down landing right on my arm. Instantly I heard the crack and knew something bad happened. I crawled off the trampoline holding my arm, because if I let go I could feel the bone scratching against each other. I sat on the ground in shock until my friends brought me home. We went to the doctors, and later that night I was in a sling!
  • Uncle passed away

    Uncle passed away
    One of the most tragic events that struck my whole family was the death of my Uncle Rob. His death really reshaped our family, and I truly do think a piece of everyone died when he did. The one thing that I am grateful for from this event is my cousins. Jaidan and Jaxsen are my ride or dies. I vowed to my parents that I would be there for them in any way that I could be, and I have watched them grow into the amazing people they are today. I truly don't know where I would be without them.
  • Moved to Byron center and into new house

    Moved to Byron center and into new house
    The beginning of fifth grade my family moved into our last house! Because we moved districts, I had to move schools as well. I remember being super nervous because I didn't know anyone and I was already a shy kid to begin with. But everything went smoothly, and I turned out just fine. The nice thing is I am still friends with some of the girls I met in Mrs Vitzthum's class.
  • Big family trip to Tennessee

    Big family trip to Tennessee
    This was by far one of my favorite vacations. Almost my whole family went on this vacation, some of my moms and some of my dads. We stayed in this huge beautiful three story cabin in the smokey mountains. One of the things that we did was hiking this really long trail to this waterfall. But when we got there it was just a little trickle, so our family decided to start climbing the rocks to make it to the top. It was so beautiful, and worth the all the sweat in the end!!
  • Little sister was born

    Little sister was born
    On February 12, 2019 my family of three turned into a family of four. Growing up I had always been an only child, so I was used to living life that way. I didn't have siblings to play with or have fun with. I think thats why growing up I constantly surrounded myself around friends, because it kind of filled that void I once had. But when I got to those older ages, it didn't really hit me hard that I was alone. Being 12 years apart from a sibling is a big adjustment, but I'm very grateful for it.
  • Going online

    Going online
    In 2020, as we all know, we hit a pandemic. Everyones life flipped upside down, and for children I feel like one of those more important things was school and social life. We had to isolate ourselves from everybody, not being able to play or interactive with anyone for like a year. Going online was a big adjustment for me, and I'm sure for a lot of other people too.
  • Lockdown and pandemic

    Lockdown and pandemic
    It was a Friday the 13th, the whole day everyone was talking about whether we would have school off for the week or not. All the teachers were certain that we would be in school, but sure enough we had two week off. Then that turned into months, almost a year. The whole entire world had to hit pause, I've never experienced anything like it. Being literally locked into our houses, having to wear mask, hand sanitizer on standby, no touching anything. Craziest experience of my life.
  • Biden v Trump election

    Biden v Trump election
    The Biden v Trump election was a pretty big historical event for my family. It not only separated the world, but also the people I was close with. I feel like that's something politics do, it divides the world. The amount of fights or argument from our own views and opinions caused some tension between my family members. It was also just a huge event in the world, when Biden was voted president it caused chaos. People saying there was voter fraud, the Capitol being stormed, and etc.
  • Went to Chicago

    Went to Chicago
    I went on a trip with my cousins and aunt to Chicago. It was actually my first trip, out of state, without my parents. We stayed with my uncle, and got to explore and have lots of fun in Chicago
  • Oxford shooting

    Oxford shooting
    The Oxford shooing was another historical event that affected the world and my family. Since it was so close to home, it really put in perspective to me and my loved ones how important our safety is. This tragic event killed the lives of many innocent people, it was such a sad and terrible thing that occurred. The whole school shooting problem in general causes lots of talk about how to fix the issue. It needs to be done, we shouldn't be seeing a new shooting every month.
  • Grandma had her stroke

    Grandma had her stroke
    I was up north with my best friend for her birthday weekend skiing. Before going down the mountain I pulled out my phone to tons of texts and calls from my mom and family. I picked up the call and found out that my grandma, over night, must've had a stroke and she was in the hospital with a brain bleed. I remember being so shocked, and I didn't know what to do. I stuck out the rest of my trip knowing this information. My grandma is doing a lot better now, she's very strong!!
  • Got my drivers license

    Got my drivers license
    In 2023 I had turned 16 and gotten my license!! It was a fun and scary time for me, but I am now a pro at driving and I make fun of my past self for being so nervous and scared because I've learned I'm truly all in control.
  • Went to Zach Bryan concert

    Went to Zach Bryan concert
    This was my third concert that I've been too. It was for my cousins birthday, and she had another ticket and gave it to me. I had such a fun time and made another great memory with my cousin