french rev

  • Louis XVI calls the estate general

    Louis XVI calls the estate general
    Louis XVI summoned state general to meet at Versailles the following year. 3 estates prepared cahiers listing their grievances.Many cahiers called reforms sch as fairer taxes freedom of press or regular meeting of the estate general.From the 3ed estates were elected. Only propertied men could vote. thus thy were mostly lawyers middle class off
    ical and writers. The estate general convened may 1789.3ed states in June 1789 claiming to represent people of France they declared themselves t be Natio
  • Deficit spending by the government and economic reform

    Deficit spending by the government and economic reform
    In 1789, France, had faced a severe economic crisis but thought financial. Went deeper than government finances. The cause of the economic trouble was a mushrooming financial crisis that was due in part t years of deficit spending. Louis XIV had left them deeply in debt. Estates.
    first- Made up of the clergy.
    second- Made up of the mobility.
    third- Comprised the vast majority of the population
    third- Comprised the vast majority of the population.
  • Parisians stom the bastille

    Parisians stom the bastille
    On Jun14,1789 the city of Pores seized the spotlight from the National Assembly meeting in Versailles .Mare the 800 Parisians assembled outside the Bastille. Ca medieval fortress used as a Parisian .The crowd thought that there was weapons and gunpowder inside . The commander of Bastille opened fire on the crowd and killed many of the .The angry mob finally broke in killing the commander and five guards and released the prisoners. Since 1880,the French have celebrated Bastille Day annually as
  • Threat from abroad

    Threat from abroad
    The failed escape of Louis XVI brought fur there hostile rumblings from abroad.
    In august 1791, the king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria-who was Marie Antoine ties brother-issued the Declaration of pint's.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    french declaration may have been mostly a bluff but revolutionaries in french took the threat seriously and prepared for war. In October 1791, the newly elected legislative assignats, took office. In Paris and other cities, Sans- Culottes pushed the revolution into more radical action. Many Sans- Culottes demanded a republic or government ruled by elected representatives instead of a monarch. A revolutionary political club, the Jacobins were mostly middle- class lawyers or intelletuals. Jacobins
  • Women March To Versailles

    Women March To Versailles
    6 thousand woman march 13 miles from Paris to Versailles shouting "bread!". they were mad at Marie Antoinette the Austrian born queen.Her small acts were largely unnoticed.She was agenst reforms and bored with the french court. The kind finally met their demand to turn to Pair.Next morning the crowd kind and family in tow set out for the city,They told bewildered spectators that they were bringing Louis XVI Marie Antoinette and their son back to Paris
  • National Assembly Act

    National Assembly Act
    National Assembly set a law meeting a key enlightment goal-equality of all male citizens before the law.Declaration of the rights of man: Declaration of the rights of man and the citizens.It was also modeled in part of the American declaration of independence writtien 13 years eariler. All french men announced were "born and remain free and equial rights" they enjoyed "liberty, property,security and resistance to oppression"
  • Monarchy is abolished

    Monarchy is abolished
    A crowd of Parisians attack the royal palace. killed the king’s guards. The royal family fled to legislative assembly, escaping before the mob arrived. Citizens attack prisoner and killed about 1,200. Radicals called for new legislative body called the National Convention. They voted to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic the French Republic. During early months Louis XIV was on January 1793, in October, Marie Antoinette was also executed.
  • Sprend of Nationalism

    Sprend of Nationalism
    Revolution and war gave the French people a strong sense of national identity. nationalism, a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country. Spread throughout French. French people attended civic festivals that celebrated the nation and the revolution.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    By early 1793, danger threatened France on all sides. Robespierre was one of the chief architects of the Reign of terror, which lasted from September 1793 to Jun 1794. He was a lawyer and a politician. He was a leader for the Committee of public safety. He promoted religious toleration and wanted to get rid of slavery. He used terror to create “republic of virtue”. He killed many people by beheading them. He did all of this because it was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution..