Formulating A Plan

By Lyndss
  • Weekly Workouts

    Thank you to the physical wellness paragraph in the reading, I will maintain working out 4 days a week. This will help build a healthy heart, body, and mindset. I chose only 4 days a week to prevent overworking myself, and prevent hurting my body.
  • Smart Goals

    I have always been very bad at following goals in the past, but for now on I will use a notebook to write down my goals and check them off when accomplished. I will make sure these goals are written to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
  • Healthy Eating

    The reading explains how food "provides the building blocks for maintaining a bodies structures". I will make a meal plan that I know is healthy, includes all the nutrition I need, and I still can have a treat when I would like.
  • Sleep Cycle

    "Sleep and relaxation are all important in maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle". I will create a sleep schedule where I go to bed around the same time every night, aiming towards eight hours of sleep, but still get everything needed done.