Bird by pollock

Artistic Selections, 1886 -2018

  • Rojas-La Miseria

    Rojas-La Miseria
    Oh yeah: It's really great for most people on this planet. One wonders what this artist could have done were he to live for a longer length.
  • Van Gogh-Cafe Terrace At Night

    Van Gogh-Cafe Terrace At Night
    I once read that Van Gogh, known for being mentally ill and ostracized, coaxed an illness from a dying man on his death bed. He stayed beside him for a length and acted in a Van Gogh like way, this seemed to work and the man was restored to health.
  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower
    I have never been to Europe, but would like to visit this continent someday. France intrigues me in particular and it would be nice to see the Eiffel Tower when I visit.
  • Stories by Chekhov

    Stories by Chekhov
    Chekhov was said to have inspired Sherwood Anderson and his stories are both entertaining and realistic. He was alive between 1860 and 1904.
  • Ancher-Portrait Af Ane Hedvig Brondum

    Ancher-Portrait Af Ane Hedvig Brondum
    This one simply reminds me of how life may have played out for women of non-traditional beauty back when. She was probably destined for a pious life from the start.
  • Russell-The Alert

    Russell-The Alert
    Russell is a favorite artist of mine. His depictions of the American West show us how tenuous life was for so many back when. It is also true that this kind of isn't our country.
  • Death of Casamegas-Picasso

    Death of Casamegas-Picasso
    Casamegas shot himself over an ordinary woman, named Jermaine. It was the death of Casamegas that ushered in the blue period of Picasso and one can imagine as to how depressing this really was to a man of Picasso's depth. Jermaine.
  • Picasso-Les Demoilles D'Avignon

    Picasso-Les Demoilles D'Avignon
    Nobody knew what to expect when Picasso holed himself up for two months, he produced his masterpiece in that time and it was resounding.
  • Matisse-La Serpentine

    Matisse-La Serpentine
    Sculpture by Matisse, he enjoyed talks with Picasso.
  • Joyce, The Dubliners

    Joyce, The Dubliners
    I've never found Joyce particularly readable, but this is one book that struck a personal nerve. "Araby" is one story within that I really enjoyed reading.
  • Winesburg, Ohio- Sherwood Anderson

    Winesburg, Ohio- Sherwood Anderson
    This book is a must read and, in my opinion, artistic prose at its finest. It is humbling to both an aspiring author and to anybody who sees himself as especially profound.
  • Dali-The Enigma of William Tell

    Dali-The Enigma of William Tell
    Dali was something else as an artist and it seems a sin not to include one of his works.
  • Picasso-Guernica

    Famed anti-war painting by Picasso which shows the horrors of war.
  • Battle Fatigue Painting

    Battle Fatigue Painting
    Painted by WW2 combat artist named Harry Reeks. I included this because WW2 shaped the world we live in today. It is also true that numerous artists like Reeks exist, talents who don't have the name or clout to shine on the brightest of stages.
  • Kahlo- The Wounded Deer

    Kahlo- The Wounded Deer
    This painting by the Mexican female artist, Frida Kahlo, is a personal favorite. She uses colors well and this painting seems to speak of a doe, Kahlo, who is deeply hurt by a life in which she seems to be running from something.
  • Salinger, The Catcher In The Rye

    Salinger, The Catcher In The Rye
    This was an excellent book which I consider to be high art. My jaw dropped upon reading it for the way that I could relate to it. A few bits I recall offhand:
    • Holden thinking about the long lost Uncle who might bail him out. Ya.
    • Holden noting as to how a clerk might lose a job for selling an underage kid something and not becoming angry over this.
    It has been awhile since I've read this, but I may buy a copy and read it again.
  • The Beatles ( White Album )

    The Beatles ( White Album )
    The Beatles kept turning up, one excellent album after another.
  • Filo-Kent State Photo

    Filo-Kent State Photo
    I don't agree with the fact that The National Guard opened fire at Kent State, but I'm not surprised that they did. The Vietnam War was shockingly polarizing and the student protesters would have hit a deeply personal bad nerve with Guard members of about the same age.
  • King-Tapestry

    This was an album that kind of dropped my jaw. Most people, of all ages and races, would probably like this upon listening to it.
  • Erro -Chinese Man At Guggenheim

    Erro -Chinese Man At Guggenheim
    I included this one because it is a good example of both modern art and free play. One can look at this painting a million times and still not know what to make of it.
  • Michael Jackson Thriller

    Michael Jackson Thriller
    One forgets how much of a genius, and popular musician, this artist was. Almost everybody loved this album.
  • Wideman, Brothers and Keepers

    Wideman, Brothers and Keepers
    This is a powerful book about the path in life that Robbie Wideman took. It touches on issues such as incarceration rates among African-American men and makes the reader ponder as to how black and white the road to imprisonment isn't. Highly recommended and a book that should be a must read in the public schools.
  • Oasis-Wonderwall

    I'm not saying that they kept it up, but this album was fresh when it came out and the lyrics speak some to the human condition. Not The Beatles, but who is?