helicopter by launoy bienvenue
camera by Joseph Neiepce
camera by Jospeh Niepce
telephone by Alexaner Grand Bell
bicycle by Comte Mede De sivrae
stapler by Charles Henery Gould
telephone alexander grandbell
telephone by Alexander Graham Bell
telephone by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Agustus Watson
electric light bulb (incandescent) by Joesph Swan and Thomas Edison
toliet by Thomas Twyford
motorcycle by Gottlieb Daimler
automobile by Karl Benz
radio by Guligelmo Marconi
airplane by wright brothers
Airplane by Oliver and Wilbur Wright
TV by boris rosing
robot by karel Capek
Adhesive tape by Richard Drew
trampoline by George Nissen
electronic tetvision by Valdimar Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth
Aresol spray can by Erik Rothiem
tuperware by Earl Tupper
sunscrean by Eugene Schuller
Slinky by Richard Jammes
silly putty by James Wright
Light Laser by Gordon Gould
motorcycle by gottlipe daninler
laser bycharles townes
Lazer by Theodore Maiman
Neil Armstrong first stepped on Moon
MP3 player by a Korean Company
This class will graduate from high school