First photographic image
First Permanent imageJoseph Nicéphore Niépce used a camera obscura to burn a permanent image of the countryside at his Le Gras, France, estate onto a chemical-coated pewter plate. He developed heliography and produced the world's oldest survived photograph. -
First Photograph of A Human Being
Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre photographed a Paris street scene from his apartment window using a camera obscura and his daguerreotype process, a man stopped for a shoeshine and remained still long enough and became the first person to be ever photographed. -
First Colored Photograph
first colored pictureJames Clerk Maxwell created a color image by superimposing on a single screen with three black-and-white images each passed through three filters—red, green, and blue. -
First Action Photograph
first action image Eadweard Muybridge began taking photographs that captured animals and humans in motion. -
First Underwater Colored Photograph
William Longley and Charles Martin used an Auto chrome camera and a raft of flash powder to clarify the shallows of Florida's Dry Tortugas and made the first undersea color photographs. They showed reef scenes with fish. -
First Photograph From Space
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory strapped a 35-millimeter camera to a German V-2 missile and launched it into space in New Mexico. -
First Photographic Map of The Night Sky
Night Sky National Geographic teamed up with California Institute of Technology for a seven-year project to produce the first photographic map of the Northern Hemisphere's night sky. -
First Digital Imaging Processor
Pixar introduces digital imaging processor. -
First Still Digital Camera
Kodak released the first professional digital camera in 1991. It was extremely expensive and marketed to professional photographers. -
First Magazine In Colour
National Geographic magazine became the first major American periodical to print an all-color issue.