Alabama Barres Operations
Alabama passes a law requiring the NAACP to submit a list of all its members. -
Boycott Ends
The 381 day boycott for desegregation of the bus system ended. -
Florida Boycott
Florida Bus Boycott in Tallehasse -
Little Rock Nine
A little rock school allows three african american students in because of their excellent grades. -
NAACP Supports Sit Ins
The Youth Council of NAACP supports a sit in at Dockum Drug Store -
Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in ATL bombed
The bombers declared "JEws a nergros are herby declared aliens!" -
Sit In at Woolworth's
Four students sit in Woolworth's in protest of a policy against serving African Americans -
Students Release an Appeal
A group of students release a full newspaper page called AN Appeal For Human Rights.