Entering Adolescent

  • 3.3- Social Comparison

    3.3- Social Comparison
    Because I was so self-conscious about my weight, I recall having poor self-esteem. I would try to hide my confidence, and my negative thoughts would depress me. It is most As the article stated "Physical appearance is an especially powerful contributor to self-esteem in adolescence (Harter, 2006, 2012). In Harter’s (1999) research, for example, global self-esteem was correlated most strongly with physical appearance..." (Santrock, 2019).
  • 2.2- Niche-picking.

    2.2- Niche-picking.
    this is when I was 10 years, my mother influenced me to become socially active and have outdoor activities. I learn so many things from her to build my characteristics her. such as article stated "Behavior genetics is the field concerned with the degree and nature of behavior’s hereditary basis. Methods used by behavior geneticists include twin studies and adoption studies." (santrock, 2019)
  • 6.1- parent adolescent conflict

    6.1- parent adolescent conflict
    When I was 11 years old and in a relationship with my mother, every time I made a big mistake, we would debate over the repercussions because my mother was worried that I would pick up bad conduct from my uncle, who had treated me badly. I will confess that I have experienced despair, and I have been judged by her, which has made it more difficult for me to tell her about my error. Yes, it matched my conflict with the material when they talked about living issues based on choice of activities.
  • Entering adolescence

    Entering adolescence
    this day is appropriate because it was the day of my first job interview for the thrift store. It made me an adolescent to learn new experiences to discover my strength and weakness. On page 15, "current approaches emphasize a variety of transitions and events that define the period, as well as their timing and sequences" (Santrock, 2019). It explains that we get older when we are exploring different things in life.
  • 4.1 Gender intensification

    4.1 Gender intensification
    According to the gender intensification theory, both genders should conform to what society wants us to be and feel under pressure to avoid becoming what they do not want to. When I was 18, I recall that my grandmother disliked the fact that I occasionally dressed like a boy to be comfortable, even though I still thought of myself as a girl and did not identify as a boy.
  • 3.1- Social Cognition.

    3.1- Social Cognition.
    the page 123 We concentrated on cognitive resources in junior high when we could comprehend the world view and metaphor. Because poetry is so heavily reliant on metaphor and college-level comprehension, I recall that taking poetry classes required more abstract thinking. The portion of the lesson when we had to employ more advanced poetic devices was my least favorite.
  • 7.1- Transition to High School

    7.1- Transition to High School
    Because I never dropped out of high school, I don't meet the description in the text. My parents are the ones that advocate for continuing your education, as my father never finished his degree and had trouble securing well-paying employment. I did succeed in earning membership in the National Honor Society and receiving an acceptance letter to my ideal college. It was an excellent school where I learned about diversity and empathy for educational struggles based on our parents' experiences.
  • Emerging adulthood

    Emerging adulthood
    When I enrolled at Gallaudet University, I formally attained adulthood and full independence. Nevertheless, because I was raised in a mainstream environment and had access to deaf institutions, I was developing my identity by referring to myself as hard of hearing. "many individuals are still exploring which career path they want to follow, what they want their identity to be, and which lifestyle they want to adopt" (Santrock, 2019). In our lives, establishing our identities is crucial.
  • 6.2- ego support

    6.2- ego support
    my friendship does matched whats describe on chapter 9, "In this meta-analysis, girls’ friendships were deeper and interdependent, and female friends showed more empathy, revealed a greater need for nurturance, and had a greater desire to sustain intimate relationships." (Santrock, 2019). I do agree with that statememnt because my ego support is most of girls who I can express to and be comfortable of who I can hang out such as bring my self-worth.
  • 7.3- Intrinsic Motivation

    7.3- Intrinsic Motivation
    I did learn the motivation from my mother who graduated of Masters' degree and having her encourage me to ensure to have good future ahead of me. It had affect my achieved when I had self-responsibility to ensure that I am still in college and maintain my goals to graduate with a BA degree of Education and within minor of FCS. I will always make sure to receive a good grade to pass all my classes. The experience did match of everything in the text.
  • 3.1- Social Cognition. (2)

    3.1- Social Cognition. (2)
    I am a college student now, and as such, I am developing more executive function skills. I can still use the tools I acquired in high school to support my critical thinking in many ways. When you already know something that might aid others in understanding it better, this process is known as metacognition. I would be having a difficult time on my own if I had not learned anything in high school.
  • 4.1 Gender intensification (2)

    4.1 Gender intensification (2)
    Does it support up the hypothesis of gender intensification? The answer is no, I did not favor gender intensification since everyone is free to be themselves, to dress whatever they want, and to be confident in their gender roles.
  • 3.3- Social Comparison

    3.3- Social Comparison
    I had finally found my method and was using my positive affirmation to drive myself to regain my self-esteem. I struggled to overcome my lack of empathy and communication while growing up in my family's home until I started college and got to know so many individuals who were not like my family. I am grateful. Santrock stated "Some youth with low self-esteem come from conflictual families or conditions in which they experienced abuse or neglect—situations in which support is unavailable." (2019)
  • environment affect your continuing development?

     environment affect your continuing development?
    Since my mother helped me develop my own personality traits, it is a natural result of growing up in my household. My family was the adventurous kind; we explored many things. Here I am, pushing myself into the outside world like my family, I am still a social butterfly. This excellent assertion said “Genotype refers to the unique configuration of genes, whereas phenotype involves observed and measurable characteristics.” (santrock, 2019).
  • 8.1- rite of passage.

    8.1- rite of passage.
    My grandparents, who came from lower-class parents, were among those who followed society's expectations that we Afro-Latina women fulfill our obligations by pursuing the greatest education and careers possible. The family tradition is for us to enroll in college and work toward earning our own degrees.