Period: to
Reagan's Military Build-Up
$1.5 trillion spent, inclusive of funds for Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) capable of shooting missiles down mid-flight, Possible end of arms race -
Gorbachev's Rise to Power
Gorbachev announces temporary moratorium on nuclear testing
Reykjyavik Summit
Gorbachev made sweeping concessions, accepted Reagan's Zero Option Plan and proposed abolishment of all uclear weapons within 10 years, Not end of Cold War in terms of arms race due to Reagan's unwillingness to scrap SDI -
Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
Drastic reduction of Soviet weapons relative to the Americans' -
Gorbachev's UN Speech
Announced that international relations would be free of ideology, Possible end of Cold War if defined as an ideological conflict -
Solidarity-led coalition wins Polish Elections
Possible End of Cold War as defined by a division in Europe -
Sinatra Doctrine
Granted Eastern Europeans greater freedom -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Marked end of Cold War as defined by division in Europe -
Secession of Soviet republics
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia -
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty
Unilateral reduction of Soviet armed forces by half a million men, Could represent End of CW in terms of a conventional arms race -
Drafting of Union Treaty
Gave more autonomy to soviet republics in an attempt to prevent secession -
August Coup
Cemented Boris Yeltsin's political position, weakened Gorbachev's -
Fall of the USSR