delayniepollok radiologist career

  • graduaite from east central high school (2020)

    graduaite from east central high school (2020)
  • a&m bacholors degree 2020-2024

    a&m bacholors degree 2020-2024
  • move to houston

    move to houston
  • baylor- to get a MD

    baylor- to get a MD
  • got to fellowship training

    got to fellowship training
  • move back to san antiono

    move back to san antiono
  • mission trail baptist redianacy for 5 years

    mission trail baptist redianacy for 5 years
  • all schooling finshed

    all schooling finshed
  • start job at methodist

    start job at methodist
  • 2035 moved to dallas

    2035 moved to dallas