1200 BCE
The Trojan War
The war is started when Aphrodite promises Paris the most beautiful woman in the world in exchange for a prize, he agrees. The goddess helps Paris get to his bride, Helen and he takes her back to Troy. The war introduces heroes like Achilles, Agamemnon, and Odysseus who each have their own skill set and backstory. This battle is obviously more about honor than getting the wife back snce this is Anctient Greece. The gods also interfere with many human lives just to get what they want. -
1200 BCE
Facing The Monster
Odysseus discovers the land of the Cyclops and decides to go inside one of the caves. When the owner of the cave comes home Odysseus expects manners, but forgets this is a monster and said monster eats two of his men.Then men come up with a plan to get the creature drunk and they succeed. The blind him and wait for morning. The monster still tends to his duties in the monster and they escape, but Odysseus gets cocky and tells the creature his name and ends up getting cursed by the gods. -
1200 BCE
The Bag of Wind
The ship makes it to the kingdom of Aoleus. Aoleus helps them by giving them a current of wind straight to Ithaca. He gives Odysseus a bag of all the unfavorable winds and storms. However, while Odysseus is sleeping the men open the bag because they thought it was a bag of gold Odyessue wasn’t sharing. This brings them back to Aoleus who thinks voyage is cursed by the gods. This displays that the men do not trust Odysseus, as they thought he would hide riches from him. -
1200 BCE
Circe The Enchantress
Circe traps the men in her home turning more than half of them into pigs after casting a spell on them. Odysseus and one of the more cowardly men return and Odysseus bargains for his men's freedom. Circe receives what she wants in return for the now stronger man.
Circe is the literal representation of temptation and straying away from home. Circe, however does not want to keep the men their for she even tells them how to leave. -
1200 BCE
Scylla and Charybdis (Part 2)
After hearing abou the six headed mosterOdysseus knows what he must do, but he still hates what he must do. He doesn't sop the men what he knows, as to stop any panic. So as he gets to his approavhing nightmare he blocks out he screams of the six men who were chosen to be a meal. This shows that Odysseus does care about his me, and is a good leader, as he had to make a sacrifice for the greater good. He also knew how to keep the men calm by no informing them about Scylla. -
1200 BCE
Helios' Cattle
The men finally make it to another island, except this one is owned by the god Helios, the god of the sun, and is inabited by his cattle. These cattle are immortal, large, and apparently delicious looking becsude even after being warned by the Odysseus the left over men still eat the cattle and end up being punished by the god Helios himself. -
1200 BCE
Helios' Cattle (part 2)
The outcome of sailing to Helios' island displays the lack of restraint in the men and the lack of discipline. However, this outcome may have been very different if it weren't for the curse placed on Odysseus, due to his arrogance and stupidity. -
1200 BCE
Home/ Suitors
Odysseus finally makes it home, only to be welcoed by a hoard of rud suiors taking over his home and terrorizing his wife. His wife is sick and tired of the suitors and decides that the best way to grt thrm to finally leave her alone is to have a contest that she knows that no one but Odysseus can win. All they have to do is string Odysseus' bow and then shoot it through 12 axe holes. Odyssesus, with the help of the swineherd, cowherd, and his son, disguises himsekf as an old beggar to compete. -
1200 BCE
Home/Suitors(Part 2)
The men agree to the competetion but begin to disrespect the ol beggar, who is odysseus in disguisse in fear he may win the competetion. Odysseus competes after the suitors and uceedds unlike the many failures that were recently displayed. The men are outraged and Odyesseus takes his first kill. Antinous( the ring leader). The men try tof ight back but fail as Odysseus and Talemachus, with the goddess Athena by their side, murder them all. -
1200 BCE
Home/ Suitor(Part 3)
OdySUSS no goes to see his wife as, she still doesn't know it is him. penelope styas suspicious until she tesst Odyssesu in a way only he would understand. She tells the servant to move the ben outsidr. This anger s odysseys because he butli that bed using an olive tree, so it could never be moved or broken. Ot was a symbol of their marrige. After seeing Odysseus' rctuion shen knew it was hima nd welcomed him back into her lif ewith open arms. -
1200 BCE
Home/Suitors(Part 4)
In conlcusion this interacton beteween Odyssesu and te suitors displays Odyseus lack of reoect for peopple who aree not hospitable.It also demonstrated how intelligent Penelpoe was even if she just was a woman.It shows the understanding betweeen Penelope and Odysseus and the strength of their relationship. -
1200 BCE
People of The Lotus
The men foolishly allow themselves to be tricked by the lotus eaters and are placed into a blissful state of forget. They even forget about their journey and have to be chained to the rowing place to do their duties. This displays the lack of constraint that the men have, as even when Odysseus warns them against eating the lotus flowers, they don't listen. The temptation to eat the flowers s greater than their want to go home back to Ithaca. -
1200 BCE
Facing The Monster(Analysis)
Odysseus is very reckless, to just decide to enter the Cyclops' cave and let his men get eaten and trapped. Odysseus was intelligent enough to give the creature a fake name, but he then got overconfident and told the Cyclops, who turned out to be a son of Posiden, his real name. That was very idiotic of him. The men , at this point begin to be wary of his tactics. -
1200 BCE
The Bag of Wind (analysis)
This is the curse in action, and a perfect example of the gods interfering with humans. The curse is fed by the gods, more specifically Posiden. The curse entails that it wil take a long time for Odysseus to make it home and when he does he be alone, as all of his men will die. If Odysseus hadn't gotten reckless this woudn't have happened. -
1200 BCE
The Sirens
Circe warns the men about the Sirens, how their call enchants even the most stubborn of men. Circe knows that Odysseus would want to experience the call so she tells the men to tie Odysseus up. While they are sailing they pass through the sea of sirens and Odysseus understands why he had to be tied up. This displays Odysseus is arrogant and wants to experience all of the trials of his long journey, even if it was negative and possibly deadly. It also displays that Odysseus is curious. -
1200 BCE
Scylla and Charybdis (part 1)
After hearing the warning about the sirens Circe tells him that he must also face one more danger, except this time Odysseus gets to pick his poison. Circe tells Odysseus to choose wisely. He may either sail into Charybdis, a storming cyclone with an endless appetite. There is no way arounf her, Odysseus would lose all of his men and lose his ship. The other option is Scylla. A six-headed female monster that will take 6 men and 6 men only.