Sand Creek Massacre
Colonial John Chivington and 750 of his troops destroyed a villiage of Chyenne and Arapho. Between 70 and 153 Native Americans were killed most of which were women and children. -
Medicine Lodge Treaty
It was three treaties that were signed between the United States and the Southern Plains Indians. The United states agreed that they would move the Indian Reservations further away from the settlers going west. This was in hopes that there would be peace between the U.S. and the Plains Indians. -
2nd treaty of fort Larimie
The second treaty of fort laramie was a treaty signed between the United States and the Lakota and Arapho tribes. It gave the Black Hills region to these tribes. -
Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
It was the major battle of the Red River War and ended in the confienment of the southern plains Indians to the reservations in Indian territories. It took place in Texas. It was a significant U.S. victory. The federal troops were lead by Robert S. Makenzie. -
Battle of the little big horn
The Battle of the little big horn took place on June 25, 1876 near the little big norn river. It was between the federal troops and the Souix and Cheyenne warriors. Lt. Colonel George Custer led the federal troops and Sitting Bull led the Native American warriors. Custer had misjudged the terrain he would have to cross in order to to attack the Native Americans and he also underestimated the large number of the warriors that waited for him. The Native Americans lost this battle. -
Relocation of the Nez Perce Chief- Joseph Surrenders
Chief Joseph and his tribe tried to escape to Canada where they would be free. After traveling over 1,000 miles he surrendered. He spoke thes famous words "From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." -
Capture of Geronimo
Geronimo was a Apache leader who lead attacks on Mexicans after they killed Geronimo's mother wife and three children. In 1886 he surrendered to the U.S. as a prisioner of war. -
Ghost Dance movement begins
This was a part of the Native American religious beliefs that they performed for the supernatural spirits. It was started by Wovoka's vision and it was believed that if they performed this dane the Buffalo would return and the whites would leave. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
This Massacre took place near Wounded Knee Creek in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. On December 29th troops went into the Reservation and killed over 200 Native American men, women, and children