Period: to
Civil War
Fort Sumter
South takes over the fort after hours of continuous shelling. -
Battle of Bull Run
First great battle of the Civil War. North was forced to retreat, and LIncoln asked for more volunteers. -
Battle of Antietam
Lee's army retreated back to VA -
Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclomation
Lincoln emancipates all the slaves of any territory still in rebellion. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Lasted 3 days, both sides suffered heavy casualties - South never fully able to recover. Turning point in the war. -
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Grant appointed Commander in Chief
Period: to
Sherman's March to Sea
Burned and destroyed everything within 60 miles of their 300 mi march to Atlanta, Georgia -
Lincoln's re-election
Appomattox Courthouse
Lee surrenders to General Grant -
Lincoln's Assassination
Assassinated by John Booth.