Chinese History 1400-1915

By ibueno
  • May 6, 1402

    Emperor Yunglo

    Emperor Yunglo
    Emperor Yunglo won the throne and became the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty from 1402- 1424
  • Jan 5, 1405

    Zheng He's Voyages

    Zheng He's Voyages
    In 1450, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered Zheng He to take his first voyage out of 7 to the Indian ocean to show off their larger ships and their powe.
  • Mar 6, 1421

    Capital Of Beijing

    Capital Of Beijing
    In 1421, The Ming Dynasty decided to move the Capital of Beijing to protect themselves agasint nomads
  • Mar 6, 1433

    Zheng He's Voyages Coming To An End

    Zheng He's Voyages Coming To An End
    The Emperor ordered Zheng He to return back to China. The Ming Dynasty could not afford to pay for them anymore.
  • Jul 6, 1449

    Emperor Zhengtong

    Emperor Zhengtong
    A Mongol leader invaded The Ming Dynasty and captured the Emperor Zhengtong
  • Jan 6, 1582

    Japan Attack

    Japan started to attacked Ming territory, Korea. The Ming Dynasty became weak and asked for help.
  • End Of Ming Dynasty & Beginning of the Qing

    End Of Ming Dynasty & Beginning of the Qing
    In 1644, the Ming Dynasty asked the Manchus to help him from a rebellion near the Great Wall of China but instead The Manchus invaded and took over. They called it The Qing Dynasty.
  • Qing Declining & Cheating

    Qing Declining & Cheating
    By the 1700's century, the Qing Dynasty began to decline because of cheating in the exam system. High officals will pay to get their sons to pass the exam
  • Kangxi

    Kangxi was one of the early Manchu rulerr. He was a Confucian scholar and was involved in Chinese learnings and arts
  • Qianlong Takes Over

     Qianlong Takes Over
    Qianlong, grandson of Kangxi became the new emperor and improved production by increasing trade and production
  • Opium Introduce

    Opium Introduce
    In the early 1800's Britain introduced the drug, opium to China. 4500 chests of Opium were sold in China to merchants
  • Lin Zexu

    Lin Zexu
    In the late 1830'sThe Emperor sent Lin Zexu to block the areas in Canton and search and destroy the warehouse because the Europeans were secretly selling opium.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    China had ordered to stop the trade of opium but that only made the Britain mad but thet still secretly sold the drug. This made it worse and war broke put. The Chinese lost the war and had to trade with Britain.
  • Public Work Decrease

    The goverment did not had enough money so public work decrease. The dikes were not being fix so they flooded the river and farmland
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping  Rebellion
    Between 1851-1864, The Christian prophet, Hong Xiuquan created the Taiping Rebellion to overthrow the Qing dynasty
  • Capital at Nanjing

    Capital at Nanjing
    The Taiping Rebellion captured territory in south central China and established a capital at Nanjing.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion was created by a small group of rebels aimed to kick out the foreigners in China. The Rebellion was aa failure.
  • Secret Societies

    Secret Societies
    By the 20th century, the Qing Dynasty was numbers. People were getting involved in secret societies to revolt agaist the dynasty.
  • Civil Service Exams End

    Civil Service Exams End
    The last Civil Service exam was taken. Since there was cheating, the goverment couldn't trust it anymore so they decided to end it already
  • End Of The Qing Dynasty

    End Of The Qing Dynasty
    Puyi became the last emperor but the Dynasty was already weakened because of revolts and the goverment was declining. The Qing Dynasty fell.