china time traveler

  • 1046 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty Begins

    Zhou Dynasty Begins
    The Zhou Dynasty begun in 1046 BC when Wuwang made Haojing its capital.
  • 771 BCE

    Eastern Zhou Period

    Eastern Zhou Period
    After being attacked in the west , Zhou Dynasty capital is moved to Luoyang which is in the east and begins eastern Zhou period. This was an important time because the people in the Western Zhou period had to be moved to a new period to be safer.
  • 771 BCE

    Capital Is Attacked

    Capital Is Attacked
    After king you replaces his wife, capital, Haojing is attacked by the wife's father. rulers of other regions declare the queens son, Ji Yijiu, to be the new king. This is important because it was a time where a new king is chosen and it shows to not mess with women because something bad will end up happening.
  • 770 BCE

    Spring And Autumn Period

    Spring And Autumn Period
    King Ping reigned in the beginning of this period, during this period their territory was too small to make an army so they depended on other regions to protect them. This is important because there was war between states and three big states emerged : Qin , Jin , and Qi.
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius Was Born

    Confucius Was Born
    Confucius was a philosopher who has influenced china culture from when he lived till now. his thoughts were expressed in the philosophy of Confucianism. This man is important because he has been an influence for many years and he still is.
  • 550 BCE

    Four Important States Emerged

    Four Important States Emerged
    After a period of fighting and war, four states decide to emerge : Qin , Jin , Chu , and Qi. This was important because these four states continue to bater for power.
  • 510 BCE

    Sun Tzu Writes The Art Of War

    Sun Tzu Writes The Art Of War
    Sun Tzu, a military general wrote the art of war about his military experiences. his book became one of the most read treaties on war during the warring period. This was an important time because it was a book that was read by many people during this time and also it was a the most read treaty.
  • 403 BCE

    Warring States Period Begins

    Warring States Period Begins
    Jin decides to break off into 3 different states : Han , Zhou , and Wei. they then start to struggle for power over china which starts the warring period. This date is important because china can't protect conflict and starts to fall into a period of confusion.
  • 334 BCE

    Wei And Qi Decide The Lack Of Zhou Throne

    Wei And Qi Decide The Lack Of Zhou Throne
    After a long time of fighting the rulers of Wei and Qi and decide to recognize each other as kings and decide the independence of states. This is an important time in the Zhou dynasty because all the other states decide to eventually declare their kingship also.
  • 221 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty Ends

    Zhou Dynasty Ends
    Zhou Dynasty ends when an army from the state Qin captured city of chengzhou and the last Zhou ruler, King Nan, was killed