Child Development First year

  • Physical Development- Raise Head

    infants begin raising their heads to 45 degrees while laying on their stomachs around 2 months.
  • Period: to

    Child Development First Year Plan

  • Reflex Abilities- Hand Grasp

    At around 2 months, infants develop plantar grasp. Which means the infant grasps objects in palms like a finger or anything small object placed near palms.
  • Reflex Abilities- Grasping Reflex

    The grasping relfex is a response to a touch. An infant's clinging response to a touch on the palm of his or her hand. For example, Infants can grasp an object, such as fingers.
  • Language Development-Basic Babbling

    At around 3 to 4 months, infants begin forming noises as they babble communicating with sounds rather than words such as "ba, ba, ba"
  • Reflex Abilities- Rooting Reflex

    Rooting reflex is the source of touching that occurs anywhere around the mouth. For example, the infant will move its head towards the mothers nipple.
  • Language -- Improved Babbling

    When infants reach 6 months they use his/her voice to display pleasure or displeasure; recognizes voices and tones; notices speech/sounds from toys and music; begins using babbling in recognizable words like "da da, ma ma, etc"
  • Physical Development- Pulls Self to Standing

    When the infant reaches about 7.6 months of age, they are able to pull themselves to a standing position using objects such as chairs or tables
  • Perceptual- Improved Examination & Exploration

    Moves objects from hand to hand; examines objects thoroughly; focuses on activity in environment and surroundings rather than simply stationary objects
  • Perceptual Development- Examination & Exploration

    Moves objects from hand to hand; examines objects thoroughly; focuses on activity in environment and surroundings rather than simply stationary objects
  • Physical- Development- Roll Over

    Infants develop the ability to roll from their front or belly to their backs.
  • Perceptual Development- Basic Attention & Eye Movement

    Infants are cabable of switching attention between two objects; attracted to colors like black, white, yellow, and red; begins associating visual stimuli with events or actions such as bottle with feeding
  • Language Development-Speech Understanding

    At around 12 months, infants begin imitating words; understands "no"; follows simple instructions like "drink your milk"