Battle of Lexington & Concord.
-First battle of the land.
-Know as shot around the world.
-British win at Lexington.
-Colonists chase them back to Boston at Concord. -
Period: to
American Revolution.
Capture of FortTiconderoga.
Benedict Arnold of Massachusetts joined Ethan Allen & the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont in a sawn attack on the fort, surprising & capturing the sleeping British garrison. -
Second Continental Congress meets.
It was after the Battles of Lexington & Concord. They met in the state house in Philadelphia. It is now called the Independence Hall. -
Battle of Bunker Hill.
It was during the Siege of Boston. It took place mostly on Breed's Hill. The colonial militia learned that British generals were planning to send troops from Boston to occupy the hills surrounding the city. -
George Washington named commander-in-chief.
Washington served as a Virginia delegate to the Secoond Ccontinental Congress in Philadelphia in 1775. Facing a fight for independence with Britian, he was elected commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. -
American defeat at Quebec.
Arnold & Montgomery mey on the outskirts of Quebec & determained the surrender of the city. Governor Sir Guy Carieton rejected their demand & on December 9th the patriots commenced a bombardment of Quebec. -
British evacuate Boston.
On this day in 1776, British forcess are forced to evacuate Boston following General George Washington's successful placement of fortifications & cannons on Dorchester Heights, which overlooks the city from the south. -
Declatation of Independence issued.
When armed conflict between bands of American colonists and British soldiers began in April 1775, the Americans were ostensibly fighting only for their rights as subjects of the British crown. -
Battle of Long Island.
The Battle of Long Island was faught between British & American troops during the American Revolution. The battle began on August 27, 1776 & ended on August 29th. -
British occupy New York City.
280 ships carried 32,000 British and hired Hessian troops assembled just off of Saten Island, New York. It was the largest force ever seen on the North American continent. To meet this challange, General George Washington had only 20,000 largely untrained men. -
Battle of Trenton.
In the battle of Trenton, Washington defeated a formidable garrison of Hessian mercenaries before withdrawing. A week later, he returned to Trenton to lure British forces south, then executed a daring night march to capture Princeton on January 3rd. -
Battle of Brandywine.
Philadelphia, the capital of the newly formed nation, was the goal of British General Howe during the campaign of 1777. -
British occupy Philadelphia.
The British proudly marched into Philadelphia. In anticipation of their arrival, the capitial was abandoned by the Patriots and many in the business community. -
Battle of Saratoga.
Fought 18 days apart in the fall of 1777, the two Battles of Saratoga were a turning point in the American Revolution. -
Articles of Confederation adopted.
After 16 months of debate, the continental congress, sitting in its temporary capital or York. -
Winter at Valley Forge.
In the fall of 1777, General George Washington's Continental Army moved South from New Jersey to defend the capital of Philadelphia. -
Alliance with France.
Despite their success at the Battle of Saratoga, General Washington was still having difficulty getting the states to provide necessary men & supplies for his army. -
Battle of Monmouth Court House.
General George Washington moved his army across the Delaware River with goal of attacking General Sir Henery Clinton as his troops marched from Philadelphia to New York. -
Fall of Savannah.
British Lieutenany Colonel Archibald Campbell & his force of between 2500 & 3600 troops. Which included the 71th Highland mercenaries, lauch a surprise attack on American forces defending Savannah. -
Spain enters the war.
Spain declares war on Grerat Britian, creating a de facto alliance with the Americans. Spain's King Charles lll wouldn't consent to a treaty of alliance with the US. -
Siege of Charleston.
It was one of the major battles that took place towards the end of the Revolutionary War. -
Benedict Arnold's treason discovered.
American General Benedict Arnold meets with British Major John Andre to discuss handing over West Point to the British -
French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay.
It's also known as the Battle of the Virginia Capes or simply the Battle of the Capes. British fleet led by Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Graves. -
Siege of Yorktown.
General George Washington, commanding a force of 17,000 French and Continental troops. -
Cornwallis surrenders.
British General Charles Cornwallis formally surrenders 8,000 British soldiers and seamen to a French and American force at Yorktown, Virginia, bringing the American Revolution to a close.