Very first computer

Change in Computers

By 23913
  • First computer made

    First computer made
    The first mechanical computer by Charles Babbage in 1822 []
  • First digital computer

    First digital computer
    The first digital computer was created in 1937 by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry. It was called Atanasoff-Berry Computer
  • First programmable computer

    First programmable computer
    It was called ZI and was created by German Konrad Zuse between 1936-1938.
  • First computer with a mouse

    First computer with a mouse
    The first computer with a mouse was invented by Douglas C. Engelbart in 1968.
  • First computer to computer link

    First computer to computer link
    The first computer to computer link was called ARPANET. It was invented on October 29, 1969.
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    It was called Altair 8800 by Ed Roberts in 1971
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    The first laptop was called the Osborne 1. It weighted 25 pounds and had a 5-inch screen and it cost $1,800.