Event #1-Catherine's Birth
Catherine was born on May 2nd 1729 in Stettin, Prussia to her parents Christian Auguste and Princess Johanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp She was named Sophie Friederite August and was a German Princess.
This is significant because of her being born into high class she men The Grand Duke Peter whom she would marry bringing her to Russia. -
Ben Franklin begins publishing Poor Richards Alminac
Ben Franklin published poor Richards alminac. In the alminac proverbs preaching industry and common sense. It continued to be published for 25 years.
This is signifigant because it became the most popular book in colonial america. -
Brits defeat Scotts
In 1746 the British finally defeat the Scotts. This is signifigant because it is the last battle fought on British soil. -
Event #2- Marrige to Grand Duke Peter of Russia
She went to Russia to marry the Grand Duke Peter (later Peter III). Catherine became Russian Orthodox, changing her name form Sophie to Catherine. Though she married him she did not love him. she eventually had many affairs with other men of the court.
This event is signifigant because it brougt her to Russia, the future country she would rule over. Marring Peter ment that if he were to die, she would have been the next in line for the thorne. -
Event #3-Catherines Son is born
Catherine had her son Paul ten yoars after marrige. Because she had many affairs, the treu father of Paul is unknown though most scholars believe it was Sergei Saltykov a noble in the Russian court. Paul raised by Elizabeth.
This is signifigant because her son Pauls would be the heir to the throne after catheines death. -
7 years war
The & years war war a Conflict in Europe, North America and India that lasted from 1756 to 1763. In the war the British and Prussian forces battled the forces of Austria, France, Russia and other countries.
This is signifigant because it was a major war in the European world. -
Publication of the Encyclopédie
The Encyclopédie was a book written by Denis Didero. Inside all the ideas and new ways of the enlightenment were written down. Instructions to do things were also published.
This is signigfigant because this allowed Enlightenment ideas to be spread across the literate world. Catherine the gread was concidered the most enlightend woman of her time. -
Event #4- Death of Empress Elizabeth
When Empress Elizabeth, Peter's mother, died, the country was in shock to see Catherine's mourning for her. Her relationship with Elizabth was a poor one. Because of this, the Nationed warmed to Catherine. Peter became Peter III the new ruler of Russia.
This is signifigant because it this was when the Nation warmed to the Prussian catherine. This helped lead to her corination as czarian of Russia. -
Event #5- Catherine is Crowned
Peter, Catherines husband, was the ruler of Russia at the time. He diapised the Russian people and made them angry. Peter passed laws agains the church. Popularity with Catherine grew in the ourtaged Russian people. Early on June 28 1762 Catherine was woken up and taken to St. Petersbourg where she was crowned Czernia. Peter was desposed. Her official corrination was September 22, 1762.
This is signifigant because this was when she officially became the ruler of Russia. -
Event #7- new serfdom law and revolt
In 1765, Catherine made it legal for landowners to pass judgement on serfs. This rose a revolutionary outbreak among Serfs.In 1773 a revolt led by Pugachev spread across the country.They captured the coubntry in 1774. False rumors spread saying that they would replace catherine with Paul. The dispute ended in 1775 when Pugachev was executed.
This is signifignifigant to Catheirne's life because her new law roused up a revolt among the Serfs. The rumors to replace her thretned her rule. -
Event #6-Forms a group of group of delegates to create a constitution
In 1767 Catherine forms a group od delegates. These delegates are to create a costirtution and consider the peoples wishes and ideas. They did not end up forming laws, but this was the first time that Russians were able to express ther thoughts and concerns on the countrys problems.
This is signifigant because it was one of her acts as ruler that allowed the people to express their thougnts on the country's problems. -
Event #8-Russo- Turkish War (1768-74)
The war initially started when Turkey wanted Catherine to stop interfearint in Poland's internal events. Russia did win many great victories in this war and gained the strength and power to expand. The entire western Ukranian Black Sea coast went to Russia as well as the lower Dniester and Danube rivers.
This is signifigant because catherine showed that Russia is strong and powerful. They also gained alot of land after this war. -
Period: to
Russo-Turkish war
The American Revolution Begins
The war began with a battle in Lexington against 77 minuite men and 700 British troops. It is signifigant this began a war that would forever change the British colonies in North America. -
Event #9-Treaty of Georgievsk signed
The Treaty of Georgievsk was a treaty concluded by catherine and Erekle II of eastern Georgia. It stated that Russia garunteed Georgia's territorial strength and the continuation of it's Bagratid dynasty. in return, Russia would recieve power in the conduct of Georgian foreign buissness.
This is a signifigant part of catherine's life because in the treaty it stated that her heirs would defent Georgia againts enemies. it is also important because now Russia has an agreement with Georgia. -
American Revoultion Ends
The Revoulution ended with the Treaty of Paris. This is signifigant because after the war, America became a new country. -
Event #10- Catherie Dies
Cahteine the great died on Novemebr 17, 1796. She was found unconcious on the floor of her bathroom. It is believed that she died of a stroke.
This is signifigant because her death maked the hend of her rule over Russia that lasted for about 34 years. Now her son would go onto become Paul I.