Burstyn v. Wilson
supreme court rules that motion pictures are free speech and cannot be banned if it is thought to be sacrilegious http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/first-amendment-timeline -
Abington school district v Schempp
The Supreme court rules that requiring bible readings in school violates the first amendment, the government should be neutral and should not aid or oppose religion.
http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/first-amendment-timeline -
Pickering v board of education
School teacher pickering was fired for writing a critical letter of the school district to a newspaper, the supreme court determined that this was a violation of her first amendment rights.
http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/first-amendment-timeline -
Cohen v. California
people that wear "F____ the Draft" shirts to court are protected by the first amendment. The court rules that profane speech is protected by the first amendment. http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Branzburg v. Hayes
Press cannot keep sources a secret in a government investigation.
http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Virginia State Pharmacy Board v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council
it is a first amendment right to the free flow of truthful information.
http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Edwards v. Aguillard
Creationism cannot be required to be taught alongside evolution. The law in Louisiana that required it was deemed unconstitutional.
http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Bartnicki v. Vopper
Illegally obtained wire taps can be published. The law prohibiting the publication of this material is in violation of the first amendment rights of the publishers (the ones that published it but did not do the wire tapping) http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Cutter v. Wilkinson
Prisoners are allowed to practice religion. it is unconstitutional to prohibit religious practices in prison. http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
Video games are considered free speech and California's law against the sale of mature games to minors is deemed unconstitutional http://visualfa.org/timeline/ -
Snyder v. Phelps
Protests allowed at funeral, the protest of Westboro baptist church at the funeral of a slain marine is protected by the first amendment. http://visualfa.org/timeline/