Biography of Pancho Villa

  • 1878

    Francisco Villa was born on June 5, 1878.
  • 1901

    He was forcibly recruited by the federal army in 1901.
  • 1910

    In 1910 Villa joined Francisco Madero's uprising against the dictator of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz.
  • November 1910

    November 1910
    November 17, 1910. Villa excelled in the battles against the federal army.
  • 1912

    In 1912 Victoriano Huerta condemned Villa to death, but Madero sent him to jail.
  • November 1912

    November 1912
    In November 1912 Villa escaped from prison and fled to the United States.
  • 1913

    After the assassination of Madero in 1913, Villa returned to Mexico and formed the Northern Division against Victoriano Huerta.
  • December 1913

    December 1913
    In December 1913 Villa became governor of the state of Chihuahua.
  • June 1914

    June 1914
    In June 1914 he won a decisive victory over Huerta.
  • December 1914

    December 1914
    In December 1914 Villa and Emiliano Zapata, defeated by Carranza, fled to the northern mountains.
  • January 1914

    January 1914
    On January 8, 1914, he left the office of Governor
  • 1914

    On February 16, he suffers an assassination attempt by William S. Benton.
  • January 1916

    January 1916
    in January 1916, Villa invaded the border town of Columbus.
  • September 1916

    September 1916
    September 15, 1916, the following day, Villa surprisingly took Chihuahua.
  • 1919

    Durante 1919 Villa reanuda su actividad guerrillera y ataca algunas ciudades de Chihuahua, como Moctezuma e Hidalgo del Parral.
  • June 1919

    June 1919
    June 15, 1919 in an attempt to take the city Juarez is defeated by the Carrancistas.
  • 1920

    In the first months of 1920, Villa occupied Ciudad Lerdo and Gómez Palacio.
  • June 1920

    June 1920
    Villa left his military post on June 26, 1920.
  • July 1923

    July 1923
    July 20, 1923 Villa dies ambushed in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua.