Bella Ferrari

  • voyage

    i am moving to America from Italy because i didnt have very much land to farm and i wanted my own land. i also want to try and live on my own with my brother but not with my parents supporting me and telling me what to do. I really just wanted to leave Italy nad start out fresh.
  • ariving to America

    ariving to America
    I arrive to America on my Birthday. I had no family member to celebrate with me but i had my brother and that is all i need. I hope i can find a job quick and start making my own money. I heard that there were finacial oppertunities, and that in America there was smaller population. I also heard the bizzare fact the there is free land in the west.
  • First Job in America

    First Job in America
    i found this terrific job in a cotton factory that had good pay! i was so excited, i thought it was going to be a easy non-labor job but the workers were not appriciated. I felt like a mule to the people in charge.
  • lost job

    lost job
    i lost my job at the cotton factory. I never knew to not ask for a raise. I really needed it because that day i found out i couldnt pay my rent. i didnt know what to do other than walk out and find my brother.
  • when my brother got hurt

    when my brother got hurt
    my brother as we were walking on the streets trying to find food and shelter got his toe cut off. He went to ask and food store for free food but all they did was throw a fork at him and it landed on his pinkie toe. The man went up to my brother as he was crying in pain and pulled to fork out but he brought the pinkie toe with it.
  • thought about moving west

    thought about moving west
    as we were walking the streets for the third day we had a thought about moving to the west. i wanted to go but my brother didnt want to he said we would never amke it with the amount of money. i told him about the free land, the peacefulness, and about us raising a farm with animals. He couldnt pass up the idea and we set of to go and find a carriage to sneak onto.
  • moving west

    moving west
    we found a carrage to ride on and they even offered to carry us. we set off to the long journey west.
  • the west

    when we finnally got west me and my brother found out what we actually had to do to get the free land. We had to ride on horses and go race for land and this was called the Ooklaholma land race. I was excited. I really wanted my own land.
  • the race

    the race
    when me and my brother were in the race most of the peoples horses and wagons fell or toppled over. But me and my brother got some very good horses. We went about 12 miles out and got a great pasture that had real good soil and a river by it.
  • our land

    our land
    our land was great we first made a hut and we had a neighbor named Bella Rossi. Me and my brother settled and everything was going great.
  • Friend gets sick

    My friend got really sick. It was almost fatal. She could have died. I hoped she wouldnt because she was my best friend and my only other friend other than my brother.
  • Friend cured

    My frien Bella got over her sickness and i was really happy
  • finnally settled

    Me and my brother finnally settled down and got everything going. We had a great farm with food and animals. We got horses and had a horse farms. We also found a wild dog and trained it to be a house dog. We finally at peace and i am so happy i moved to the west