Period: to
Anna Social Media
Anna reserved an email for a $6000 scholarship (11:03 am)
In The Lab (10:08 am)
Made Video In Lab with Taylor and Eric (1:15 pm)
Went to Library (8:15pm)
Dr. Elise Opal emailed Anna about a lab from last week (1:14 pm)
Eric tried talking to Anna, but she was busy in a chem lab, Eric texted her morning of death (6:20 am) but she never answered
Dom texted her about the scholarship, but she didn't get it, but they plan on studying aug. 22 at 5:30 (2:42-2:55 pm)
Chem Lab (11am-12pm)
Lunch w/ Eric and Taylor ( 5pm)
Drinking Coffee (5pm)
Opened Acid Container (9 pm)
Playing Soccer (3 pm)
Played Soccer (2 pm)
Sam texted Anna, mad about losing the game and running into her at practice (4:43-5:08 pm)
Lunch w/ Eric (10 am)
In bed with a headache (5 pm)
Studying w/ Dom ( 7pm)
At a lab (10 pm)
Taking meds for migraine (8 pm)
Phone Accessed (11 am)
Anna found (10:00am)