American Imperialism

  • America Acquired Alaska

    -WIlliam Seward was the Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson
    -Bought from Russia 7.2 mil
    -People thought this was a bad purchase and named it “Seward's Folly”
    -Turned out Alaska has plenty of Natural resources
  • Period: to

    Cuba rebelled against spain

  • Reasons fo growth of America

    -desire for military strength
    -USA wanted naval power
    -Became 3rd largest naval power
    -thirst for new markets
    -Foreign Trade for raw materials
    -belief in cultural superiority
    -Americans thought of of Social Darwinism a belief of free marketing will lead to survival of the fittest
  • Spain abolished slavery from cuba

  • Mckinley Tariff

  • Jose Marti launched a revolution

  • Spain had 300,000 cubans in concentration camps

  • Hawaii was now a US territory

    -U.S wanted Hawaii for military base”Pearl Harbor”
    -Hawaii’s King was strong armed into changing the constitution to make only wealthy landowner able to vote
    -The new queen proposed the idea to get rid of the previous change
    -The U.S marines overthrew her and set up a government run by Sanford B. Dole
    -Cleveland did not want to annex Hawaii
    -Then Mckinley became president and annexed it
  • The De Lome Letter called President Mckinley

    This called President Mckinley "weak" and it got leaked to the american people
  • U.S.S Maine Explodes

    Americans Blamed Spain although I beleive the Americans blew it up so they could blame Spain go to war with them.
  • Battle of Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill

  • Cuba is free from Spain

    America wanted to stay in Cuba politics to protect American Business Man that invested in Sugar, tobacco, and mining industries
  • The start of the Spanish American War

  • America destroyed all the spanish ships around the Philippines capital

  • Rough Riders are introduced

  • Cease Fire Agreement

  • Treaty of Paris

    USA got Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines from Spain
    -America Obviously won
  • The Philippines started to revolt against America

    Philippines used Guerrilla Tactics
  • America and China: Open door notes were established by John Hay

  • America and Puerto Rico;Foraker Act

    ended military rule and set up an actual government Puerto Rico also denied Statehood in 1967, 1993, and 1998
  • Newly formed Cuban government

  • Britain, French, German, Japanese, and American Soldiers marched at the China capital(Boxer rebellion)

  • Second set of open door notes were established

  • In the Insular Cases

    the U.S supreme court ruled that the constitution did not automatically imply to those in territories
  • Platt Amendment

  • Mckinley is assassinated so Theodore Roosevelt assumes the presidency

  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Britain gave the United States exclusive rights to build and control a canal through Central America.
  • China and 11 other countries signed the Boxer Protocol

  • The revolts were finally suppressed by the USA

    Set up a very similar government that puerto rico had
  • The Platt amendment became a treaty in 2 nations

  • Canal Zone

    signed a treaty in which the United States agreed to pay Panama $10 million plus an annual rent of $250,000 for an area of land across Panama,
  • The Roosevelt Corollary was established.

    America would now use force to anyone disobeying the Monroe Doctrine
  • President Roosevelt made peace between Japan and Russia

  • President Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Intervention of Mexico

    one of huerta’s officersArrested a small group of American Sailors in Tampico
  • Huerta Regime collapses

  • A Puerto Rican statesman who spoke to the House of representatives died

  • Carranza invites American Engineers to operate Minds in northern Mexico

  • US troops clashed with carranza’s army

  • Puerto Ricans were given U.S citizenship

  • Mexico adopted a constitution

    that gave the government control of the nation's oil and mineral Resources, and play straight regulations on foreign investors
  • Woodrow Wilson introduces his missionary diplomacy

    This means the US have a responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government it viewed as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S interests
  • Philippines became independent