American history

By cadeski
  • schenk vs. us

  • wilson's presidency term

  • ww1 startr

    ww1 startr
    The war fought between July 28, 1914, and November 11, 1918, was known at the time as the Great War, the War to End War, and (in the United States) the European War. Only when the world went to war again in the 1930s and ’40s did the earlier conflict become known as the First World War. Its casualty totals were unprecedented, soaring into the millions. World War I is known for the extensive system of trenches from which men of both sides fought. Lethal new technologies were unleashed, and for th
  • Lusitania

  • Great migration start

    Great migration start
    The Great Migration, or the relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North, Midwest and West from 1916 to 1970, had a huge impact on urban life in the United States. Driven from their homes by unsatisfactory economic opportunities and harsh segregationist laws, many blacks headed north, where they took advantage of the need for industrial workers that first arose during the First World War. As Chicago, New York and other cities saw their black
  • Lenin led a russian revolution

  • Year of first woman elected to congress (Rankin)

    Year of first woman elected to congress (Rankin)
    Jeannette Rankin became the first woman to hold a high government office in the United States when, in 1916, she was elected to the United States Congress from the state of Montana. After winning her House Seat in 1916, she said, "I may be the first woman member of Congress but I won’t be the last." She also was elected in 1940.
  • Selective service act

  • espionage act

  • Wilson’s 14 points

  • influenza (flu) epidemic

    influenza (flu) epidemic
    The plague emerged in two phases. In late spring of 1918, the first phase, known as the "three-day fever," appeared without warning. Few deaths were reported. Victims recovered after a few days. When the disease surfaced again that fall, it was far more severe. Scientists, doctors, and health officials could not identify this disease which was striking so fast and so viciously, eluding treatment and defying control. Some victims died within hours of their first symptoms. Others succumbed after a
  • Sedition act

  • ww1 end

    the war had finally ended
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    The 19th amendment is women’s right to vote. This was a big deal because women never had full rights to really do anything. This was able to open the door for so many more opportunities for women. Justp like how in our time we have a women running for president.
  • US senate rejects treaty of versailles

  • League of natiolns assembled

  • Us rejects league of nations membership

  • Babe Ruth is sold to the yankees

  • First miss america pageant is held

  • Readers digest is founded

  • Time magazine is published for first time