Court ruling
The supreme court ruled for the case Chisholm v. Georgia which happened because Chisholm filed a suit against the state of Georgia for breach of contact. -
11th Amendment
this was the day the amendment was ratified. This Amendment prohibits the federal courts hearing some court cases that are against the states -
Election 1796
this was an election between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson -
Election 1800
This was an election between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson -
12th amendment
it was ratified on this day. It makes it so that the electoral collage votes for the president and vice president are separate. -
Period: to
The civil war
the civil war starts and ends on these dates -
13th Amendment
This was the date the Amendment was ratified.
This Amendment abolished slavery -
14th Amendment
It was ratified on this day.
This makes it so anyone born in the United states is a citizen. -
15th Amendment
this was the day this amendment was ratified. This amendment gives every citizen the right to vote no matter skin color. -
Court case
the court decides on the case Pollock v. Farmers' loan & trust co. -
16th Amendment
This was the day this amendment was passed. It give the power for congress to get tax from Income. -
17th Amendment
This the day that it was ratified. It made it so the people would choose their senators instead of their state legislatures. -
18th Amendment
It was ratified on this day. this was made because of how much drinking was happening. This amendment makes it so alcohol was illegal -
19th Amendment
This is the day the amendment was ratified. This happened because women fought for the right to vote. This amendment give all american women the right to vote. -
20th Amendment
This was the day that it was ratified. What led to this amendment was the "Lame Duck" time before a president went into office. This made it so they president would go into office in early January. -
21st Amendment
this was the day it was ratified. It was made real because of the 18th amendment. This amendment changed the 18th amendment. -
22nd Amendment
This was the day it was ratified. This happened because of Franklin Roosevelt being elected four times in a row. This then put it down to two terms. -
23rd amendment
this was the day it was ratified. What led to it was the election between JFK and Nixon. this made it so people with in the Colombia district can vote. -
24th Amendment
This was the day it was ratified. It happened because of poll taxes in the south for African American voters. It got rid of those poll taxes. -
25th Amendment
This was the day it was ratified. It happened because of Nixon living office. It made so the vice president would take over as president if something happened to the first one. -
26th Amendment
This was when it was ratified. It happened because of the lost of many lives in Vietnam war. It makes it so people that were at age 18 could start voting. -
27th Amendment
This was when it was ratified.It happened because congress wanted more money during they're terms. It makes it so they cant rise pay until there is a new election.