Black sports

African Americans in Sports

  • First Black Soccer Player

    First Black Soccer Player
    Andrew Watson was the first black male to play soccer internationally and professionally. He played for Scotland from 1881-1882. He played for Preston North End in 1889. His main position on the field was goalkeeper. To avoid problems in his career, he dyed his hair during the first few years. He is known as the highest goalscorer of all time.
  • First African American in Baseball

    First African American in Baseball
    In 1884 Moses "Fleetwood" Walker became the first black man to play in major league baseball. he was the star catcher at Oberlin college. He signed with the Toledo Club. Even though he played well, he was cut from the team. That didn't stop him from living out his dream. He continued to play minor league ball after he was cut from the major league.
  • First African American Heavyweight Champion

    First African American Heavyweight Champion
    Jack Johnson was the first African American to become a heavyweight champion. he defeated Tommy Burns in Sidney Australia. The fight lasted 14 rounds. After he won the title, white people made it a mission to take the title away from him. he had to go through a series of fights to defend his title.
  • First African American head coach in NFL

    First African American head coach in NFL
    Frederick Fritz Pollard was the first black male to become a head coach in the NFL. He was also one of the first 2 Blacks to play in the NFL in 1920. Before becoming a head coach in 1923, he was the co-head coach for the Akron Pros in 1921. He served as head coach of the Hammond, Indiana football team for the 1923-1924 season.
  • Jackie Robinson changes sports for all African Americans

    Jackie Robinson changes sports for all African Americans
    Video of Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson paved the way for African Americans. During this time, African Americans were not allowed to play with the white people in professional sports. Jackie Robinson changed that forever. He went through alot during his rookie year in the major leagues. This video gives a short biography of Jackie Robinson and how he impacted the world.
  • First Black Man to be drafted in NBA

    First Black Man to be drafted in NBA
    Chuck Cooper was the first black male to be drafter into the National Basketball Association. He was drafted in 1950 by the Boston Celtics in the second round. Chuck went to college at West Virginia State. November 1, 1950 is when Chuck Cooper made his debut into the NBA.
  • First African American NFL Quarterback

    First African American NFL Quarterback
    Willie Thrower was the first black male to become a quarter back in the National Football League in 1953. When he entered the NFL he became a member of the Chicago Bears. He went to school at Michigan State where he won a national championship. He was known as an All American Athlete.
  • First African American woman to compete in Tennis World Tour

    First African American woman to compete in Tennis World Tour
    Althea Gibson was the first black female to win a Grand Slam title in 1956. She was ranked in the top 10 after she won her title. Althea was number one during the years of 1957 and 1958. She is known as the female version of Jackie Robinson for breaking the color barrier within tennis. She also was the first woman to win the Wimbledon.
  • First African American in the NHL.

    First African American in the NHL.
    Willie O'Ree was the first black male to enter the National Hockey league. He is from Canada. He broke the color barrier in the sport just like Jackie Robinson did with baseball. Willie played in the minor league for the Quebec Aces. He entered the NHL for the Boston Bruins to replace an injured player. Even though he was injured himself (blind in right eye) he still managed to play his best in the National Hockey League.
  • Tiger Woods wins Masters

    Tiger Woods wins Masters
    Tiger Woods became a professional golf player in 1996. In 1997 Tiger had already won his first masters competition. he was ranked number 1 in June of 1997. he has broken alot of golf records since then and has continued to be the best in his sport. He has won 14 golf championships since then. Tiger Woods is the highest paid athlete in the United States.