Affective Computing

By Stelzy
  • Affective Computing Book Released

    Affective Computing Book Released
    Rosalind Picard was a MIT computer engeneer in the late 1980's. In her both teaching and research roles, she developed and began to share her findings on the growing technology innovation. Using her many abilities, including math modeling and electrical engineering, she developed technology with a furthered understanding of what the human brain see's, allowing tech to pull up a specific photo for example. Ultimately, she wrote this book in conjunction with her message on technology and emotions.
  • iCalm Wristband Developed

    iCalm Wristband Developed
    The iCalm wristband was a significant step in the combination of technology and health. It was able to monitor physiological and give patients data from their daily lives to be able to manage their health.
  • Affectiva Launched

    Affectiva Launched
    In 2007, Picard and Dr. Rana el Kaliouby co-founded the company Affectiva. They we're able to leverage their previous research and connections to start with multiple product offerings and a significant customer base, as well as significant funding. One of their most well known products was Affdex which utilized past innovations and leveraged innovations in AI and facial scanning pattern recognition, to analyze facial expressions in real time.
  • Open AI Launches Inclusive GPT for Personal and Commercial Use

    Open AI  Launches Inclusive GPT for Personal and Commercial Use
    Chat GPT is a new technology that has been spoken of as the next major technological innovation. In the AI system's own words, "it uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and understand the context and structure of a conversation. Based on this analysis, it can then generate appropriate responses in a manner that mimics human conversation" (Zettist). This technology has significant implications for helping businesses and individuals, lessening workloads and improving processes.
  • Robot Assisted First Fully Sustainable Colony in a Different Galaxy

    Robot Assisted First Fully Sustainable Colony in a Different Galaxy
    Whether robotic assistance is a separate entity like the movie Interstellar, or is a human and robot combination, it seems inevitable that robotics will play a role in future space exploration. Technology in space travel such as the work Space X has done seems to lead a path to being a multi-planetary species in the coming decades, but I believe this will continue to other galaxies in roughly 100 years.