1778 BCE
Fredrick's death
Fredrick dies in 1778, and where he also grew fond of isolation. -
1740 BCE
Maria Theresa takes the throne
Charles IV dies and he had no son to take over the throne, he only had a daughter. Maria Theresa takes the throne but many didn't like the idea of a woman ruling, so they got angry with Charles IV death and lack of sons. -
1740 BCE
Fredrick (Fredrick Williams's son) rules over Prussia
Fredrick Williams dies, and now it's time for Fredrick to heir the throne. He was brilliant in military and used that militia to bring Prussia into more union. -
1713 BCE
Frederick Williams takes the throne in Prussia
Using Louis XIV's model he set to make the JUNKERS be completely under his control. German nobles= JUNKERS -
1648 BCE
Population deacrease
German population decreased by 30%
50% males died
Disease, famine and expulsions reduced it another 30% -
1648 BCE
Treaty of Trent
All those lands had the princes choose the religion.
Basically forcing her to choose Catholic. -
1648 BCE
End of the 30 year war
End of the 30 year war because of the treaty of Trent -
1629 BCE
Destruction of the Swedish army
2.000 castles
18.000 villages
1.500 towns
1/3 of all Germany -
1619 BCE
Ferdinand ll heirs the throne
Ferdinand ll takes the throne and gets rid of religious tolerance... In this case, tried to rid of the protestants. But of course, that didn't happen, so the war broke off. -
1618 BCE
Start of the intolerance
War broke out beacause of this...
"The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy nor Roman nor an Empire" -Voltaire -
1618 BCE
Start of war
War between Catholics and Protestants