John F. Kennedy

By mollie
  • John F. Kennedy is born to Rose and Joseph Kennedy in Boston Massachusettes

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  • The stock market crashes; the Kennedy's buy a summer home in Massechusetts

  • enters the Canterbury School in 1930 and the Choate School in 1931.

  • John F. Kennedy graduates from Choate School and enters Princeton in the fall.

  • John enters Harvard and graduates four years later in 1940

  • John joins the U.S. navy.he becomes a PT operator and he became a hero after saving his men when thier PT was hit.

  • John is dischraged from the navy.He works for a newspaper while World War II is ending.

  • wins the Democratic Party for the Massachusetts Eleventh Congressional District.In the fall he wins the election also for Congress

  • defeats Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. for senate seat. He won by 70,000 votes.

  • John marries Jacqueline Bouvier who was 12 years youngerand french.

  • John and Jackie have their first child, Caroline.

  • John announces his candidacy for presidency and wins Democratic election,and laters becomes president. John and Joackie's second child,John Jr. is born

  • Inaugurated as 35th president. creates the Peace Crops,is responsible for Bay of Pigs invasion, prposes the space launch,and otehr political laws and actions go through John in his first year of presidency.

  • The first space flight around the earth is completed and Krushchev removes missles from Cuba.

  • John calls for tax reduction,nuclear arms ban treaty,and propses sweeping civil rights legislation.JOhns son Patrick dies two days after birth.

  • Lee Henry Oswald assassinates John in Dallas, Texas. A funeral and other arangements at Arlington National Cemetery are followed on November 25th.