Big pigeon image

History Of Mailing

By uiopas
  • Period: to

    Mail Timeline

  • The First Postman

    The First Postman
    Abdurahman Ebu was the first postman in history. He came from Turkey.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Morse Code is a way of sending messages. It envolves tapping a metal piece. It uses short and long taps for letters, for example O is three long taps. It can also be expressed with lights andelectronic beeps.
  • Indian Post Office

    Indian Post Office
    On October 1st 1837 the Indian Post Ofice was established. The letters were water marked with a distinctive elephants head.
  • Mail in the U.K

    Mail in the U.K
    In the United Kingdom, prior to 1840 the postal system was expensive, confusing. Letters were paid for by the reciever rather than the sender, and were charged according to the distance the letter had travelled and the number of sheets of paper it contained.
  • Early forms of Post

    Early forms of Post
    These were the times of early post, especially in India. The methods of sending these mail was mostly by a messanger, or bird. Although this was not the earliest post the first use of pigeon post came from ancient persia with the art of training birds, but the first time this method was used for sending mail was by the Eygptians. And in 322BC the whole of South Asia was sending messages to eachother.
  • Great Barrier Island

    Great Barrier Island
    In 1894 the ship SS Wairapa was sunk. 121 lives were lost. The news took seven days to reach the mainland via Pigeon Post.
  • War pigeons

    War pigeons
    Soldiers who fought in WWII were now using pigeon post to send messages to other troops behind enemey lines.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Another popular form of secretive communication during the war was Morse Code.
  • The End of the War

    The End of the War
    Finally after six years of fighting the war was over. Unfortunately the use of pigeon post went with it. People found that there was no need for it and quickly became outdated.
  • Sputnik

    On October 4th 1957 Soviet satellite Sputnik was launched. Sputnik was the first aritificial satellite ever launched from Earth. It transmitted information to Soviet scientists for three weeks.
  • The first email send

    The first email send
    the first email ever sent was sent in 1971 by an engineer named Ray Tomlinson. The message was QWERTYUIOP. The software was then introduced to the public in 1972.
  • Satellites

    By now humans were using satellites evry day to send messages to eachother.
  • E-mail Use

    E-mail Use
    By now the E-Mail was becoming extremely popular with business's.
  • Smart phones

    Smart phones
    Nokia developed a phone that had the ability to send e-mails it was called a smart phone. The first smart phone was the Nokia 9000, invented in 1996.