3rd century!!!!This is the oldest dictonary in China which was made up by Han and Qin dynasty scholars.Also it was passed on to many dynastys. -
Terra Cotta Burial
The terra Cotta army had over 8,000 soldiers and 130 chariots with 150 cavalry horses. The tallest people would be the generals. -
Period: 210 to
First Chinese Emperor(Shi Huangdi)
His personal name is Ying Zheng.He took on major projects such as Great Wall of china and died at the age of 50. -
Period: 221 to 476
Warring States Period
The Qin Dynasty was in charge of this.This was considered the second part of Zhou Dynasty following the Autumn and Spring Period. -
Was use for short range in battles. -
Birth of Confucius
He was borning June 19th at Shang-ping in the counrty Lu.His own name was kong but his discisples called him Kong-fu-tse.His father died when he was three but his mom took good care of him. -
Jan 15, 1000
Shi Jing Book of Songs
This was a classic book of poetrys.This book has 305 poems and also part of "Five Classics" -
Jan 15, 1100
Ouija Board
Ouija board game was found in China in 1100 B.C. Its known as spirt board or talking board.The board is used to communicate with spirts thats is around. -
Jan 15, 1200
Lady Hao
Lady hao died in 1200 B.C. She was one of King Wu Ding's wife.She served as an army general and high priest. -
Spring and Autumn Period
This was a time period in China's history which had something to do with Eastern Zhou Dynasty. -
Battle of Banquan
26th century!! This was China's first battle in history as recored by Sima Qian.It was fought by Huangdi(Yellow Emperor) and Yandi(Flame Emperor). -
Domestication of the Buffalo
It was one of the first animal in the Middle East to be domesticated.