Maddi's hockey 4.30 - 6pm -
Liam's hockey 9.30 - 10-.30 -
Louise's birthday
Celebrating Louise's 30th birthday at Grazing, in Gundaroo. We had a fun drive over the dirt roads on the way to Gundaroo. We enjoyed a delicious and fancy meal, as well as some red wine! We enven sang happy birthday and ate blackforest cake! -
bright coloured party
Maddi went to a party for a friend in Scullin. It started at 4.30 and went until 8pm. We had to go straight there from Gundaroo. -
Hockey in Goulburn
Woke up at 5.30 to leave before 6.30 to ACT U13 hockey carnival in Goulburn. It was drizzling rain most of the day with snippets of sunshine. We got back to Canberra after 5pm and then picked Liam up from a friend's place. -
My Hockey!
Our game started at 8.45pm, so I was down at the hockey centre from 8pm. We atre really improving and seemed to really get it together this weekend. We won 3-0. this is onl;y our third win for the season and one of the games was last week! Hooray! Unfortunately i didn't get home until about 10.45, then I needed to snack and shower before sleep! -
ICT Master Class
We are learning about WEB 2 technologies. that is why I am trialling timetoast! -
ACT Schoolgirls training
5pm - 6.30 -
Maddi's St Pat's training
5 - 6pm -
My hockey training
7.30- 9pm Lyneham Hockey centre -
ESL Moderation (Primary)
ESL Moderation day (Secondary)