
  • ILLIAC IV supercomputer

    1971 Built by Fairchild. It was used by NASA. This was the first commercial use of commodity semiconductor memory in a large computerized system.
  • C programming language is released

    In 1972 the C programming language is released. Invented by Dennis Ritchie and team. C is a programming language that is still in use to this day, some 52 years later.
  • Local Area Networks

    In 1973, ethernet and local networks were created. The use of local area networks allowed for the linking of computers in offices.
  • Video Display Module (VDM-1)

    In 1975, the Video Display Module (VDM-1) was designed by Lee Felsenstein. This was a first usage of a memory mapped video display for personal computers.
  • Apple-1

    In 1976, Steve Wozniac designed it. The Apple-1 is is a single-board computer for hobbyists. This product would be the leaping point for creating the Apple Computer Inc company.