Period: 30,000 BCE to
Beginnings to Exploration
1600 BCE
Mesoamerica (Olmecs)
The Olmec was the first major civilization created in Mexico. Olmec society lasted from 1600 BCE to 350 BCE, they create various statues that they used to represent leaders. The meaning of their name is "rubber people". Cities like San Lorenzo and La Venta were used fro trade although their main purpose was for them to be used for ceremonial purposes.Not much was known about their religion and art style although thanks to their art there seems to be signs that they did worship some god. -
Rome (Fall of The Empire)
Romulus was the final emperor in the roman empire. Although, The Roman empire fell for different reasons. Including, invasions from Barbarian tribes, economic troubles, they relied too much on slavery, Eastern Empire in Byzantium, they expanded too much, there was a lot of government corruption, Huns arrived, and the loss of traditional values. It ended up lasting for a total of five-hundred seven years, and fell to Constantinople. -
Dark Ages (Catholic Church)
In this time period Christians and Catholics had almost complete different points of views. Orthodox Christianity thought that this was an age for catholic corruption, because they did not like that the catholic church had popes and a hierarchy for saints and other religious figures. Although, Catholics thought differently about this, disregarding what its christian "cousins" said. They viewed this as a "harmonious" era, being very productive religiously. -
The Black Death (Death)
The black death has a variety of different names, also known as the Black Plague and the Great Plague. It was one of the worst pandemics in history, because it caused the death of seventy-five to two-hundred million people. The disease had started in central Europe and died down in England during 1384. It was spread by rats catching the disease in different ships and spread whenever the ships had landed. The rats were also killed in the process thanks to the plague as well. -
Triangular trade
This type of trade was a system of transatlantic trade. There were three steps to triangular trade. First, they had to take goods to Africa which would allow to an exchange for African-Americans. The second stem was just the middle passage, which involved shipping slaves to America. The third stage, was to bring produce created from the slave plantations. These steps were to be kept repeated for about two to three centuries. -
Columbian Exchange
The Colombian exchange was named after Christopher Columbus. There was many things that were traded. Things that were traded included plants, animals technology and even diseases, which completely transformed Europe and the Native Americans.The reason it even started was because of Columbus and his own exploration. Although some negative effects that happen were towards native Americans, they were forced to work and they caught diseases as well. -
Aug 3, 1492
Exploration (Christopher Columbus)
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa in 1451. he ended up getting married later on with a lady named Felipa Perestrella e Moniz, they ended up living in Portugal. After moving to Spain he asked sponsorship from the king and queen of Spain, which they later on agreed to. Columbus set sail on the Santa Maria and 2 other ships, returning back to Spain in 1493. His last voyage was in 1502 and he later on died in Spain in 1506. -
Western Frontiers (Fur Traders)
It all started as an exchange between the Europeans and the Indians. Fur trade was an important industry for north america in the 1500's. It mostly helped the development of two places, the United States and Canada. The reason that this type of industry had came to an end because they relied too much on Indians for help, and because they had provided all of the information that the Europeans needed. It ended up being close to useless by the 1850's. -
Conquest of Aztecs (Hernan Cortes)
Hernan was the conqueror of the Aztec Empire, mostly doing it for the resources it had such as gold, and also converted them to Christianity. Him and Montezuma met in November 8, 1519, in the meeting they exchanged gifts with each other. In 1521, the Spanish had a battle with the Aztecs, the Spanish were lead by Cortes. On the other hand, the Aztec people were being ruled by Montezuma II. A factor that helped Hernan and his men was that they had superior weaponry. -
Period: to
English Colonial Societies
Slavery (Cultural Heritage)
Slavery had started in 1619 because of the Dutch and because they took them from a Spanish ship. Most of the slaves culture that they obtained was received from their different masters and other companions. Slave cultures were different on every large plantations. Although, their cultures are pretty much are passed down from every generation. Their religion was made up by themselves or it was also adopted by their masters perspective. -
New England Colonies (Plymouth Colony)
The Plymouth Colony was the first settlement in New England ant it was founded in the year 1620. The town was also chose as the capital for Massachusetts then being called Plymouth, Massachusetts. The type of government that they used was a self-government and they used the mayflower compact. It was later disestablished in 1961. Their economy was based on agriculture, fishing, whaling, timber and fur. -
Proprietary Colonies (Oliver Cromwell)
Oliver Cromwell was born in 1599, he was also in parliament from 1628 to 1640. He was a puritan and helped many people including soldiers after the civil war outbreak in 1642. Also, Cromwell became the lord protector of the common wealth in three different places, including England, Ireland, and Scotland in December 16, 1653. Additionally, he continuously worked as head of state of the new republic. He ended up dying later on when he was fifty-nine years old in September 3, 1658 of Malaria. -
The Enlightenment (John Locke)
John Locke was born August 29, 1632 and died on October 28, 1704. He is known by many individuals as the "Father of Liberalism" and was a great influence for Enlightenment thinkers. He thought that it was normal human nature for people to be selfish, he thought this because they had started to include currency. He also believed in the natural right to life, liberty and the right to having property. -
Navigation Acts
Oliver Cromwell was in the Rump Parliament that passed the navigation act of 1651. The navigation act started in 1651 and it allowed for the increase of shipping. Also, it encouraged the navigation of the nation and regulated England international trade. The cause for the acts was the dutch because it was carrying too much trade, which resulted later on a cause for the First Dutch War. It made controversy too, because all colony imports had to be bought from England. -
Glorious Revolution (English Bill of Rights)
In the English Bill of Rights is an act that was passed by England's Parliament and was confirmed by both the king and the queen.It comes with ten different amendments that create separation of powers, limits powers of the king and queen, it enhances democratic election and bolsters freedom of speech. the amendments that the English Bill of Rights used were used as an influence for the amendments in the constitution of the United States. -
Salem Witch Trials
Salem Witch trials were held in different colonies in Massachusetts, from February 1692 and May 1693. It was actually started by a couple of girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts. They had all said that they were, "possessed by the devil" and blamed it on local women, which eventually started the rumors for witchcraft. It is said that almost two hundred were accused. Although, only nineteen were considered guilty and hanged. -
Southern Society (Yeoman Farmers)
Yeoman farmers became known in the 1700's. These types of farmers own their own land and farm and worked for themselves, usually using their own family members as workers. Yeoman farmers also usually did not own slaves. After the War of 1812, they moved toward the southern Appalachians, they started off as herders and then they went back to their ways as farmers. They were viewed as honest, hardworking and independent. -
Free Black Communities
Free black communities began in the 1700's. They began when there was shortages in the economy and the slaves were not required for use. Other people like the Quakers and the Puritans also established free slave communities for African-Americans. White people did not want that, they wanted to keep them as slaves or send them back to Africa. They wanted this because they did not want to struggle with any competition against them for work . -
Enlightenment Ideals on America in the late 18th Century
Enlightenment was considered on influences that came from the 16th and 17th centuries. There were many, although American had its own, some of the people that influenced the Americas around this time were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, and John Locke. The Americas took the ideas from some European countries political thinkers and developed them in their own ways. -
Slavery (Slave Codes)
The slave codes were established in the year of 1705. They were laws that were established in different states and they determined. There were various of restrictions placed by slaves even though they still did not have freedom at all. Some of the things that were used for the slave codes was that the slaves were prohibited from leaving the owners. The slave codes became undone with the creation of the Freedmen's Bureau and Reconstruction. -
Act of Union (1707)
The Union Act of 1707 was passed by the English and Scottish parliaments. The Scottish Parliament was poorly attended, the MPs all voted and eventually they agreed for the union. Because of this, the United Kingdom of Great Britain on the first of may on that year and it unified England and Scotland. The enemies were brought together for profit and with doing that . The long title for this union act was "An Act for a Union of the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland" -
Period: to
Colonial America
The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening is an important event in American religion. It was between the years of the 1730's and the 1740's. Was considered to be a series of emotional religious revivals.The revival affected Protestantism and people wanted to renew their piety and wanted to increase within themselves their religious devotion. People began to pursue different religions and started to look at the bible and start interpreting it in different ways than first taught. -
7 years war/ French and Indian war
The French and Indian War/Seven Years War lasted from the year 1754-1763. The reason it started was because France was expanding too much into the Ohio River Valley and they had plenty of fights with some of the British colonies. It was ended by the Treaty of Paris 1763, also establishing three other treaties. Although the war ended with changes in economy, politics, government and other relations between Britain, France, and Spain itself. -
Fort William Henry
Fort William Henry was officially opened in November 13, 1775. It was used as a way to control the Southern part of Lake George, established by the British at the time. In the time period of the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763) there was a war taking place in that fort. It ended up falling to the French on the year of 1757. After their surrender there was a massacre of the British and their soldiers. -
Period: to
The Revolutionary War
Treaty of Paris- 1763
The treaty of Paris 1763 was officially started on February 10, 1763, it was signed in Paris, France. The main purpose of this treaty was for it to end the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between both Britain and France. The treaty made it so that France had to give up all of their land that was located in North America in order to end all of the military threats intended toward the British colonies. -
Boston Massacre (Paul Revere)
Paul Revere was an American Patriot in the American Revolution. Paul Revere was the creator of the engraving titled as the "Bloody Massacre Perpetrated in Kings Street in Boston”. He made this engraving three weeks after the Boston Massacre had happen in March. He did not waste any time to show people the highlights of the massacre and the British tyranny, trying to persuade people to become anti-British among him and other colonists. -
Battle of Lexington
Confrontation at Lexington was what initiated the battles of Lexington and Concord. It was one of the first battles for the revolutionary war. The battles were initiated was because British commanders heard of supplies of powder and weapons, supposedly they were being hidden by patriots in Lexington and Concord.In this battle, there was a "shot heard around the world." 49 colonists were killed and 39 were hurt, with 5 missing. For British people, 73 killed, 174 were injured and 26 were missing. -
Olive Branch Petition
The drafter of the Olive Branch Petition was John Dickinson, a founding father of the United States born in November of 1732 and died in February 14, 1808. It was written in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The second continental congress was acquired in July 5th, and then after that they gave it to King George III in July 8, 1775 but he immediately rejected it. It was used to try and avoid war between Great Britain and the thirteen colonies. -
Dunmore's Proclamation
The author of the Dunmore's Proclamation was John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore, he was a royal governor of British Virginia.It was officially signed November 7, 1775. It was pretty much just a proclamation directed towards slaves, by British saying that slaves would be freed if they were willing to fight for the British army, because they needed soldiers. This proclamation was considered a turning point between slaves and plantations that were in the South. -
Common Sense (Thomas Paine)
Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine, an English American writer that was born in January 29, 1737 and died June 8, 1809. It was a forty-nine page pamphlet that was recommending that they should get their independence from Great Britain to the thirteen colonies that was published in January 10, 1776. He was also implying for the American colonies to get a democratic government. Eventually, the american colonies gained their independence and were founded by 1607. -
The Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson)
June 1776, Congress of the United colonies assigned five delegates to make written declarations of independence, he wrote at least three drafts of a Virginia constitution. The main ideas that Jefferson implemented in the constitution is that all men are equal, all men have rights given by god, government must be by consent of the governed, and finally is that we have the right to have "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." -
Articles of Confederation (Problems)
The Articles of confederation was the original constitution of the United States, but was later placed by the U.S constitution in 1789. In this constitutions there were a variety of problems, states held most power, congress lacked power to tax, regulate trade or control coinage. The problem is that the power was going to be held by a central authority. This is the reason why the articles of confederation were eventually ratified in 81 and later on replaced. -
Massachusetts Constitution (U.S Constitution)
The Massachusetts Constitution, also known as, "The 1780 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." was drafted by John Adams, he was the leader of the American Revolution and the second president of the United States. It was written in the year 1780. Also, it served as a model for the United States Constitution, which was written later on seven years after. Later on, eight years after it was written, the constitution was ratified. -
Treaty of Paris- 1783
The Treaty of Paris 1783 was signed by two sides Great Britain and American Representatives. The representatives for America were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Kay. The location of the signing was in Paris, France. The date that the treaty had officially started was September 3, 1783. This treaty was made to guarantee the end of the American Revolutionary war, and the British acknowledgement of the independence of the United states. -
Period: to
The Constitution
Shays Rebellion
Shays Rebellion was an uprising that was held in Massachusetts. Daniel Shays sled 4,000, rebels in a protest against in justices in civil rights.The reason for the Rebellion was mostly debts and taxes on farmers. The farmers would not have enough money to pay taxes or their debts. Since they were not able to comply and pay up, they had land taken away from them. The result of Shays rebellion was that it led to the writing of the United Sates constitution. -
Three Branches (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)
There are three types of branches in the government, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches. The executive is the branch that executes and enforces laws. The legislative is the branch that has the authority to make laws, but it cannot enforce them. The judicial branch is the branch that interprets the Constitution.Also it is more of the branch that resolves all of the problems and can come up with the solutions that are needed. -
Constitutional Convention (Issues)
The constitutional convention happened between May 27, 1787 and September of the year 1787. Its purpose for the convention was to remake or even revise the constitution, they had met in Philadelphia to discuss the problems they had with the original constitution, the Articles of Confederation. The issue with this was that the United States had to weak of a constitution, that had no structure whatsoever. They were fighting for basic laws for citizens. -
Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance had officially started in July 13, 1787. It made a government for the territory in the North and was a type of outline for different states to be able to be part of the Union. There was no such thing as slaves in the Northwest Territory. It also may have seemed to be as if this ordinance had started the Civil War, since slavery was only prohibited in the northern areas and not the southern, it made the Ohio River a dividing line. -
Period: to
New Republic
Chesapeake Colonies (Virginia)
Virginia was founded in June 25, 1788. Virginia first profitable export made colonies a lot of money since it had a strong impact on society. Colonists made a lot of money through the making of tobacco. Virginia's structure was like that of England's. Virginia was almost completely different from the other of the New England colonies. they worshiped the Anglican church because it was part of the church of England. -
Election of 1788 (George Washington)
The United States presidential election of 1788 lasted from December 15, 1788 to January 10, 1789. It was made under the united states constitution. George Washington was the President that was elected, he was elected unanimously by their electoral college. Adams had become the Vice President. He had 69 electoral votes because of the trust the people had in him and his history as a military leader for the Continental Army and chairman for the Continental Congress. -
Bill of rights
These are the first ten amendments of the United States. They were ratified in 1791 and guaranteed simple rights, such as the freedom of speech.The amendments are Freedom of speech, Right to bear arms, No quartering of soldiers, rules for search and seizures, rights to due process,Rights of Accused Persons in Criminal Cases,Rights in Civil Cases, Excessive Bail, Fines, and Punishments Forbidden, Other Rights Kept by the People, Undelegated Powers Kept by the States and the People. -
Second Great Awakening
The Second Great Awakening started in 1790. There was not many religious events going on around this time so many of the religion faiths wanted to host religious revivals. They were led by different types of preachers. An example of one of the preachers during the Second Great Awakening was Charles Finney. Thanks to this revival it led to many movements such as the Temperance Movement and the Women's Suffrage Movement. -
Capital Site (District of Columbia)
The district of Columbia was made in honor of George Washington as the capital by three commissioners in the 1700's. It is actually not considered one of the fifty states of the United States but it is still considered the nations capital, hence the title of the event. At the moment it holds all three branches of government, including the legislative, judicial, and the executive. This is where most presidents live because the District of Columbia live in the White House. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest that started because of taxes on liquor in the United States, it started in the year 1791 and lasted all the way to 1794. It was during the presidency of the Washington and was used as a test for the first constitution of the United States to see if it could actually hold, unlike the articles of the confederation. George Washington leading the militia to stop the people protesting is what ended the war. -
Revivalism (Charles Grandison Finney)
Charles Grandison Finney ( Also known as the 'Father of Modern Revivalism') was an American minister that was born in the year August 29, 1792 and died in August 16, 1875. He was a leader in the Second Great Awakening, which was a revival movement making movements in things like slavery, women's rights, and alcoholism. He was also very religious and made various writings. Also, he created and hosted many preachings and services. -
Technological benefits of the War of 1812 (Cotton Gin)
Eli Whitney was the creator of the cotton gin, which was invented in 1793. Whitney had a different purpose for the cotton gin and reducing slavery, although his plans backfired and slavery increased. The cotton gins function was to revolutionize the production of cotton and made it faster to take out seeds from the actual cotton itself. The economy of cotton plantations almost doubled since production was a lot faster and effective. -
Election of 1796 (Washington Farewell)
The farewell address form George Washington was thirty two pages. It was officially published September 19, 1796. The address was given to both future representatives and presidents of the United Sates and the citizens as well. He said to not create permanent alliances with anyone, and he did not want the influence of political parties. Also within this address it is stated to not allow presidents to be allowed to run for their third term. -
Adams Presidency (XYZ Affair)
The XYZ was a problem between the United States and the French. The french were taking United States sailors and using them as their own. The naval war that was declared because of this was the Quasi War. It lasted from the year of 1797 and 1798.Although, the United States did not want to go to war with Great Britain so they signed the Jay Treaty in 1795. Eventually peace was struck with France at the convention of 1800, because of the Treaty of Mortefontaine. -
Period: to
The Age of Jefferson
Election of 1800 (Marbury Vs. Madison)
The court case for Marbury vs. Madison established the principle of judicial review, and made the judicial branch equal the higher branches, the Legislative and the Executive Branches. The issue that occurred with this was the separation of power. Marbury appointed peace for the district of Columbia, and Madison was an incoming secretary of state. The courts opinion was written by John Marshall, and is thought to be one of the foundations of constitutional law. -
Jefferson Administration (Embargo Act)
The Embargo act was started in the year of December 22, 1807, and it was a law passed by the United States congress. It was allowed by Congress and eventually it was signed by President Thomas Jefferson. It pretty much said that american ships would not be able to trade in all different foreign ports. Although, it turns out that the Embargo Act did not prove to be successful. The reason it had failed is because it was not going affecting the intended targets which were Britain and France. -
Great Migration (Oregon Trail)
The Oregon Trail was a trail established in the United States that connected the Missouri River to some of the valleys located in Oregon, it actually ends in Oregon City. It was created by traders and fur trappers from 1811 to 1840. The only transportation available for the Oregon trail was by horse or on foot. It covered Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon, and stretched out about two-thousand miles. -
Manifest Destiny
Manifest destiny was mostly the belief that the united states were destined by god to expand across all of North America. The logo for it was an Angel helping settlers travel and settle in places for the people different needs. Was in the period between the war of 1812 and the American Civil War in 1960. The official "documentation" of it was in August 1845, in a issue of democratic review, from a man by the name of John O'Sullivan. -
War of 1812 (American Strategy)
The war of 1812 was a dispute because Britain was seizing American ships and were taking away their sailors. The American strategies started by using their heavily armed navy as an attack and defense. Also, they attacked during that time because other ships from the British and they were outnumbered. The results of the War of 1812, encouraged american industry and it made one of the presidents known as Andrew Jackson a hero. -
Labor Changes (Waltham System)
The Waltham System (Also known as the Waltham-Lowell System) was established in the year of 1814. The purpose for this system was for there to be an expand in the United States of Textile Manufacturing. Textile manufacturing had very good use for both women and children. Most of the people working in these Textile facilities usually live there and were provided with education. This type of system was part of the Industrial System. -
Period: to
The American Industrial Revolution
Panic of 1819
The panic of 1819 was the crisis of money thanks to the amount of money spent on the war of 1812. It eventually led to the American economy completely collapsing. For example, there was many signs of unemployment and bank failures. The second banks policies were blamed for starting the economic crisis of the panic of 1812. The general collapse of economy persisted all the way through the years until 1821. -
Florida (Adams-Onis Treaty (1819))
The Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 was signed on February 22, 1819, Washington, it has a different variety of names, including the Transcontinental Treaty, the Florida Purchase Treaty, or the Florida Treaty. It was basically just a treaty between the United States and Spain negotiating for Florida. Spain had given the United States Florida and it creates a border between the two, which is now just simply called Mexico. -
Transcendentalism (Frederick Douglas)
Frederick Douglas was considered to be, "The father of the civil rights movement." He was an abolitionist and he fought for both human rights and woman's rights, also working on Irish home rule. Douglas was actually born into slavery and there is no record of his actual birth date. With his skills he became a helper for presidents of the United States. Although, he did pass away on February 20, 1895 in Washington D.C. -
Temperance movement
Temperance movement was a social movement and was against the consumption of alcoholic drinks. Many abusive drinkers were obliviously upset with e movement and they thought it was unfair for them to restrict the use of alcohol. Frances Willard led the temperance movement, trying to emphasize alcohols negative effects on "health, personality, and family life." Organizations that helped the movement were, "The American Temperance Society and the American Union Society." -
Period: to
Cultural Changes
Missouri Crisis (Missouri Compromise)
The Missouri Compromise was a compromise that was used to balance power in congress between both the slave states and the rest of the free-states. At this time they only had 22 states evenly between free and slave-states. Although, it was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act that was passed in May 30, 1854. The only reason it had failed was because it could not permanently fix the problems the North and the South had about slavery. -
Northern Leaders (Ulysses S. Grant)
Ulysses S. Grant was born in April 27, 1822 and died in July 23, 1885. He was a general during the time of the civil war and was liked by a variety of people. Later on in his life he was elected as a president two times, he was the 18th United States president. His army had about 150,000 casualties during the civil war, but he also inflicted damage and took about 191,000 casualties against the confederate armies. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine began in the year December 2, 1823. It was written by the president named James Monroe. Monroe made four very valid points in the doctrine. He said that the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of or the wars between powers; the United States recognized and would not interfere with existing colonies in the West; the Western Hemisphere was closed to colonization; and any attempt by Europe to control any nation in the West would be viewed as hostile. -
Period: to
Age of Jackson
Election of 1824
The presidential election of 1824 took place on February 09, 1825. The president that was elected for this year was John Quincy Adams. The voting progress was very strange and it led to the final decisions being on the House of representatives, thanks to the decision making of the Constitution. Although, Andrew Jackson had won the most popular and the electoral votes, but did not obtain the majority. -
The Presidency of John Quincy Adams
The Presidency of John Quincy Adams lasted from the years of March 04, 1825 to March 04, 1829. This man helped make the Declaration of independence for the United States. Also, he negotiated with others for Florida with the Adams-Onis Treaty. He was the sixth president of the United states right after James Monroe and he was the eighth United States Secretary of States. He was actually secretary of State before he had become president. -
Second Party System
The Second Party System had started in the year of 1828 after the First Party System had ended. It was used whenever there was any contact between two different political parties. Although, the Second Party system did come to an end in the year of 1854. It began to collapse in 1854 because there was a lot of foreign immigration into the United States, which also allowed for the Whig Party to collapse and turn them into republicans. -
Age of the Common Man
The era of common man was led by the 7th president Andrew Jackson. Jackson's view and implementation of the Jacksonian democracy was viewed as dominant by the world, the views of this democracy were for the common man, which is where the nickname for him came from. Although, the election of 1824 was a time when Andrew Jackson was viewed as bad during the election of 1824. The "corrupt bargain" led to John Quicy Adams being president. -
Spoils System
The spoils system had started in the year of 1829. It was pretty much when a party won an election and gave people from their own political party, friend and their relatives civil service jobs in the office. In the Middleton Federal Civil Service Act of 1883 it provided the basis so they could get the Merit System. By the 1900's, the Merit System had almost completely taken over the Spoils System at federal, state and city levels of government. -
Slavery (Abolitionist)
The movement for abolitionism had been between the years from 1830's and the 1870's. It was a very slow paced movement but their main goal and focus was to obtain the emancipation for slaves so there would be no discrimination between races. There was an abolitionist group made in 1830 called the American Anti-Slavery Society. The abolitionist movement were William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and William Lloyd Still. -
Millennialism (Mormons)
Millennialism was somewhat of a phase they had back in the 19th century where they thought thinking that the world was going to come to an end when the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Mormons are part of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." It was founded by a man named Joseph Smith, in the year of 1830. He was born in 1805, but Joseph did die about 14 years later in the year of 1844, so he was not able to experience the full potential of his creation. -
Jackson Administration (Indian Removal Act of 1830)
The Indian removal act was established in the year of May 28, 1830. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 granted Indians and Native Americans land that was to the West of the Mississippi. Although, there was a catch to this deal, the Indians had to give up their own land within the border. This events had many people complied with the Americans peacefully and left immediately, but other tribes did not want to relocate so there was a struggle with them. -
Changes in Transportation (Railroads)
The first railroad ever built was The DeWitt Clinton locomotive, built by the West Point Foundry in New York for the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad. Although, the first Trans-continental Railroad in North America was built some time in the 1860's, the main line for the railroad was officially completed in the year of May 10, 1869. The age of creation for the railroad was during the American Industrial Revolution. -
Texas (Siege of Bexar)
The Siege of Bexar (Also known as the battle of San Antonio and the Battle of the Alamo) was held from year of October 12, 1835 to December 11, 1835. The location where the battle was held was San Antonio, Texas and it was between Texas and Mexico and it was a Texas Victory. There were between 182 and 257 Texan casualties and there were about 600 Mexicans that were either killed or wounded in battle. -
Changes in Agriculture (Iron Plow)
The iron/steel plow was officially invented on 1837. The creator of the plow was John Deere whenever the Middle West was settling down. The reason that these types of plows were invented because the wooden plows were too easily broken. The steel plows were made out of a more durable material which lasted longer and were more efficient.The purpose of the plows were to be able to break up tough soil and did not get stuck down. -
Period: to
Westward Expansion
Election of 1840
The election of the year 1840 was the 14th presidential election. It was held from the dates of Friday, October 30, 1840 to Wednesday, December 2, 1840. It happen right after the panic of 1837, which was an economic crisis that lasted until the mid 1840's, during this time period there was various points where people were unemployed. The person that was elected president was a Whig candidate by the name of William Henry Harrison, he beat the democrat Martin Van Buren. -
Changes in Communication (Telegraph)
The telegraph was made between the years of the 1830's and the 1840's. It was created by a man named Samuel Morse born in 1791 and died in 1872. The telegraphs was considered a revolutionary invention because it allowed people to make long distance communications. It had to transmit electrical signals over wired up stations but it had the ability to work almost as a form of texting. It did use Morse code to be able to "type". -
Mexican American War
The Mexican-American War was a conflict over the the Southern colonies, because they wanted slavery to in their states for more political power. It started from the year of April 25, 1846 to February 2, 1848. The president in office at the time was James K. Polk. There was an estimated amount of 25,000 casualties. The battles were held in Texas, California, New Mexico, and Mexico city. The treaty that ended the war was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. -
Slavery (Wilmot Proviso)
The Wilmot Proviso was passed by David Wilmot, and it prohibited the expansion of slavery into a territory that the United States had gotten from Mexico in the American-Mexican war. David Wilmot was a democrat at the United States House of representatives.It was designed to eliminate slavery, but it it continued the problems between the north and south over the issue of the power balance that was in congress. -
Period: to
California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush was created from the time period between January 24, 1848 to 1855, in California. That is the reason many people had migrated to California, there were about three-hundred thousand participants mining for gold. The first Person to have found gold in the mines was James W. Marshall. This is the reason California had been admitted as a state in the first place since there was in increase in population. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, was the treaty that ended the Mexican American War. The Mexican-American War was fought between the years of April 25, 1846 to February 2, 1848.. The treaty was signed of course by the United States and Mexico in the year February 2, 1848, favoring the United States. Another result of the treaty was that 500,000 square miles of land were given to the United States by Mexico. People who were still in the territories were considered U.S citizens. -
Suffrage (Seneca Falls Convention)
The Seneca Falls Convention was a very important for women's rights, because it was the first woman's rights convention. This convention was held in the years of July 19, 1848 through July 20, 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York. It demanded the rights for women to be equal to men, and for the right to be able to vote. The people who had organized the convention were Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, they were both abolitionists in the 1840's. -
Slavery (Compromise of 1850)
The Compromise of 1850 was made on January 29, 1850. It was introduced by Henry Clay and it had carious o solutions or the problems that had occurred about slavery between the North and South. The Fugitive Slave Act that was made in 1793 had also been repealed thanks to the Compromise as well, some people even considered it the new Fugitive Slave Act. Also, the slave trade that was happening in Washington, D.C. was officially abolished. -
End of Whig Party
The Whig party had begun in the year of 1833 and was originally founded by Henry Clay, although the part did end in the year of 1854. Original leaders were Henry Clay, William Henry Harrison, Daniel Webster, Horace Greeley. The reason the party started to get weaker and come to an end was because both Henry Clay and Daniel Webster had died. Another important factor that caused for the Whig party to break apart was the Compromise of 1850. -
Republican Party (Anti-slavery)
The republican party was founded in Jackson, Michigan in July 6,`11854 and believed that people with higher pay had higher taxes and wanted it to be fair for both rich and poor. Their view on slavery was that they were abolitionist party that was formed during the ages of the civil war. Abraham Lincoln himself was a republican and he did not want slavery at all in the United States. Later on, he released the Emancipation Proclamation which ended a portion of slavery -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act was allowed to be passed on the date of May 30, 1854. It was used to get rid of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, it was also a result of Bloody Kansas. It was made up by a democratic senator Stephen A. Douglas and Franklin Pierce. This act was a bill that spread the word of Popular sovereignty allowing all of the states to decide whether if they wanted to be considered a free state or a slave state. -
Election of 1860
The U.S. election of 1860 took place on November 6, 2018. Abraham Lincoln was the president elected, he beat the Southern Democrat John C. Breckenridge, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, and Constitutional Union candidate John Bell. Abraham opposed slavery expansion and so did many o the republican party. Lincoln won the election with a majority of the popular votes from people and also a majority of the electoral votes. -
Period: to
The Civil War
Confederate States of America
The confederate states of america were established on February 4, of 1861. The amount of stars that were located on the flag depended on the number of states that were admitted with them. The total population of the Confederate Sates of America was 9.103 million people in the 1860's. There were three different types of currencies including the United States Dollar, Confederate States dollar, Southern States Confederate Currency. -
Civil War (North)
At this time the North, was fighting to keep the union and for the freedom of slaves. Since the north was fighting for slaves right, many northern African- Americans were pressuring the northern army for them to enlist them into the army. The main reason the northerners beat the southerners was because the north's industrialization was way better. Also, the north had more railroads which were used to transport weaponry, uniforms, and food supplies. -
Civil War (South)
The slaves fought the war in because they wanted slaves to be allowed in order for them to be able to keep their slaves since they made a various amount of their economy. The south lost the war for different reasons. Although, the south had a variety of advantages such as better leaders, geographic advantage, fought defensively. Defensively was actually a good strategy until the northerners got surrounded and they lost all the ways for their food supplies. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The emancipation proclamation was an order that was issued by Abraham Lincoln to free slaves in all portions of the confederate United States then if the war was won they would also free slaves under union control. This made the civil war mostly be because of slavery. Abolitionists wanted it of course, but many of them were irritated because the proclamation did not free all of the slaves. This also is what gave the north an advantage because it resulted in African-Americans helping the north. -
Life for whites Reconstruction South (Carpetbaggers)
Carpetbaggers are defined as people that tried to benefit from the South during the age of reconstruction which was between the years of January 1, 1863 to March 31, 1877. What they genuinely did was that they went to the south and took whatever was left of value in the South. The Republican party had split two groups up, one of them being the carpetbaggers and the others being scalawags. They were there to just make money. -
Period: to
Reconstruction Era
Gettysburg (Gettysburg Address)
The Gettysburg address was a speech given by Abraham Lincoln during the time of the civil war which was between the years of April 12, 1861 through May 9, 1865. The speech was given on November 19, 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was just a speech that announced a soldier cemetery, of the soldiers that were killed at the Battle of Gettysburg during the America Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg was the decisive war of the revolution. -
Plans (Lincolns 10% plan)
The ten-percent plan that was created by Abraham Lincoln in December 8, 1863. It was supposed to be a representation of how everything was supposed to turn out during the reformation process. They were supposed to be able to admit the southern states back into the union if ten percent of the voters took and oath and swore their allegiance to the Union,which of course they did. Also, the Southerners had to agree that slavery was now illegal. -
Election of 1864
The election of 1864 took place in the year of November 08, 1864. In this election Abraham Lincoln (Republican) beat George B. McClellan (Democrat). The election was held at the time during the American Civil War (Apr 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865). Abraham Lincoln chose Andrew Johnson to run as president with him because he had a lot of trust in him after the state of Tennessee had seceded. He wanted to balance out one republican and one democrat. -
Former Slaves (Freedman's Bureau)
The Freedman's Bureau was an agency founded by the president, Abraham Lincoln in the United States of America in the year of March 3, 1865. The Bureau was established mostly to help free African-Americans after being released from slavery. They were just trying to give them a fresh start by giving them land, more education (if they had any), and jobs so they would be able to start making money for themselves. -
Assassination (Abraham Lincoln)
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States was murdered in the year of April 14, 1865. The place where he had been murdered was Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. It was a sign of revenge for the Confederates States, done by a confederate person by the name of John Wilkes Booth. He was murdered from behind at the top floors of the theaters. Although, he did not die immediately, he went into the hospital and ended up dying the next day. -
Great Administration (Election of 1868)
The election of 1868 was on a Tuesday in the year of November 3, 1868. This was also the first presidential election that was held after reconstruction era, which was between Jan 1, 1863 – Mar 31, 1877. The reason the reconstruction era actually happen was because of the civil war if not it might have never occurred. Reconstruction only happen in the Southern parts of the United States and was organized from the federal government. -
Panic of 1873
The panic of 1873 was a crisis that happen in 1873 that was a financial crisis that caused a lot of depression in Europe and North America. It lasted for 6 years from 1873 to 1879. It was influenced by president Jackson and his "Jackson Policies" that led government funds being taken from the bank. Thanks to this event the reformation and reconstruction of the South was terminated and t officially came to an end. -
The New South (The Lost Cause)
The lost cause was a time where the southern areas were at their complete low and were trying to be able to come up with excuses. Stating that losses were gonna happen anyways, because the North was superior in its resources and manpower. They only did secession because of the North threatening their economy. They also stated that the war was not about slavery and that even if it was that the slaves were treated well and cared for by their masters. -
Election of 1876
The presidential election of 1876 was actually the 23 ever presidential election. It was between Samuel J. Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes. Although. Samuel outnumbered Rutherford in popular votes 184 towards Samuel and 165 towards Hayes, but there was a dispute over the electoral votes of four states. 20 votes that were submitted were actually not counted in the final results, so it could have ended up being a tie on popular votes.