Jan 1, 1394
Prince Henry of Portugal is Born
He was a great leader. -
Period: Jan 1, 1394 to
Ch. 19-20
Period: Jan 1, 1394 to
Ch. 22
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Ch. 17
Jan 1, 1403
Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
He was a big influence on Chinese culture. -
Jan 1, 1405
Zheng He captains his first voyage
Was a big step for China because it gave them more land options. -
Jan 13, 1408
Donatello creates his David statue
Was one of the most popular statues from Europe. -
Jan 13, 1436
Johan Gutenberg invents the Printing Press
Increased the amount of knowledge within the people. -
Jan 13, 1453
The Hundred Years' War Ends
Peace was finally settled. -
May 29, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
The fall of Constantinople to the Turks was a big turning point. -
Jan 1, 1488
B. Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
Jan 1, 1492
Amerigo Vespucci charts New World Coast
America was later named after him. -
Oct 12, 1492
C. Columbus spots land in North America
He was later credited for discovering America. -
Jun 7, 1494
Spain and Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas
This treaty divided land between Portugal and Spain. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama lands in India
Jan 13, 1503
Leonardo Da Vinci starts the Mona Lisa
It turned out to be the most popular painting ever done. -
Jan 13, 1511
Raphael paints School of Athens
Was one of the most important pieces from Raphael. -
Jan 13, 1512
Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
This painted ceiling is still visible today. -
Jan 13, 1513
Machiavelli writes The Prince
Was innovative because it was written in vernacular instead of Italian. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis.
The 95 Thesis dissagreed with the Catholic Church. At the time most people were Catholic, and did not know what to think. -
Apr 7, 1520
H. Cortez lands on Mexican Coast
Jan 1, 1522
First slave revolts in Hispaniola
Period: Jan 1, 1530 to
Ch 21
Nov 16, 1532
F. Pizzaro meets Atahualpa
This was considered a step in the right direction with tensions growing. -
Jan 1, 1533
Ivan IV came to the throne
Ivan IV was a big influence on Russia. He had his good periods in which he won battles. He also had a bad period when he turned against the boyars after accusing them of murdering his wife. -
Feb 4, 1534
Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada
This was an important claim for France. -
Aug 17, 1534
Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order
This helped the Jesuit religion spread much more quickly. -
May 19, 1536
Anne Boleyn is executed
She was the queen of England, and had a big influence on people. -
Oct 12, 1536
Edward VI is born
He introduced protestantism. -
Jul 23, 1553
Mary I becomes queen
She is remembered for her restoration of Catholicism. -
Jan 1, 1555
Charles V agreed to the Peace of Augsburg
This allowed German Princes to choose the religion for their territory. -
Nov 17, 1558
Elizabeth I becomes Queen
During Elizabeth's rule, England started to become a world power. -
Jan 1, 1579
The Dutch Declare Independence
After the Dutch Revolt, the United Provinces of the Netherlands was introduced. They practiced free religion and was a republic. -
Battle in the English Channel
Phillip launched the Spanish Armada in an attempt to punish the English. He however lost the battle and greatly set Spain back. -
English East India Company is Founded
Was one of the oldest companies of the time. -
Dutch East India Company is founded
Considered to be the first multinational Company in the world. -
Don Quixote was published
Miguel de Cervantes wrote about a poor Spanish nobleman. This book is often called the birth of the modern European novel. -
Henry Hudson is last seen
Henry Hudson was a very important person of the era, and nobody knows what happened to him. -
Ferdinand & Isabella end the war with Muslims
This was a big victory for Spain. -
William Shakespeare dies.
Shakespeare was an incredibly popular writer and artist. -
Thirty years War begins
The Thirty Years War was one of Europe's longest wars. It was fought over religion, as each religion tried to gain followers. -
Richelieu becomes leader of France
He increased the power of the Bourbon monarchy and introduced France to the Thirty Years War. -
Charles I becomes King
He agreed to the Petition of RIghts, which is the idea that the law is higher than the king. -
Galileo publishes his findings in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
This allowed people to study his findings, and improve the overall education of the public. -
Cromwell gains power
He lead the Puritans to victory when they couldn't find someone who could. -
Thomas Hobbes outlines the social contract in Leviathan
in this publication Hobbes explains how people are born evil and need law and order to keep them in shape. -
Louis XIV takes over as king
He weakened the power of the nobles and increased the power of government officials called intendants. -
New Netherlands becomes New York
This changed the name of the territory, and changed how the territory was run. -
The Habeas Corpus came into effect
This law gave every prisoner the right to go in front of a judge. -
La Salle claim Mississippi River for Spain
This was a big land claim for Spain, and improves trade. -
Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
This event allowed people to understand the laws of physics and how gravity works. -
Peter the Great visits the West
Peter wanted to get a taste of western culture. He went undercover to hide his identity, but was later discovered. -
The war of Spanish Succession begins
The war increased Britain's involvement in trading african slaves. It also gave Britain more land in North America. -
St. Petersburg becomes capital
He built his new capital in a swamp, which was good for trade because ships could sail in. -
Gabriel Fahrenheit makes the first mercury in glass thermometer
This was considered a revolutionary invention and would change the way people keep track of temperature. -
Voltaire is exiled to England
He was sent to England for arguing with the Chevalier de Rohan -
Frederick the Great begins his reign in Prussia
Frederick the Great had a big influence on Prussia. -
Anders Celsius creates his scale for measuring temperature
This method rivaled that of Gabriel Fahrenheit. -
Denis Diderot publishes the first volumes of his encyclopedia
A large source of information such as this had never been avaliable to the public before. -
Seven Years War begins
The war made a huge change in Europe. -
Seven Years War Starts
This war involved every large European Empire and lasted until 1763 -
George III becomes king of Great Britain
George III had a big influence on the struggling country of Britain -
The Start of the Partition of Poland
These partitions divided the common wealth among others -
Boston Tea Party
This event sparked rage throughout Great Britain -
Joseph Priestley separates oxygen from the air
This had never been done before, and proved several people wrong. -
British Army and American Militia exchange fire at Lexington, Massachusetts
These were the first shots fired during the Revolutionary War -
Declaration of Independence is signed
This statement declared freedom from Great Britain -
Beethoven Dies
Beethoven was a popular music composer.