Week 8 Timeline

  • 10,000 BCE

    Paleolithic Period

  • 4300 BCE

    Neolithic Period

  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greece

  • 625 BCE

    Ancient Rome

  • Period: 27 BCE to 180 BCE

    "Golden Age" of Rome

    A time of Roman Peace where there were fewer wars and the arts flourished.
  • 476

    Medieval Era

  • Period: 1300 to

    Dance Mania

    A phenomenon that occurred in mainland Europe where men, women, and children would dance until they would collapse from exhaustion.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Renaissance Period

  • 1500

    Early Ballet

  • Period: 1500 to

    African Diaspora

  • 1547

    Catherine de Medici

    The queen would have elaborate festivals.
  • 1573

    Balthasar de Beaujoyeux

    Served at the court ballet.
  • 1581

    Ballet La Comique de La Reign

    1st Official ballet was performed.
  • Period: to

    Baroque Era

  • Period: to

    Cardinal Mazarih

  • Ballet de la Nuit

    13-hour performance that included the debut of Lous XIV
  • Period: to

    Mlle de La Fontaine

  • King Louis XIV

  • Jean Baptiset Lully

    Best known for his operas and spent most of his life working in the court of Louis XIV
  • Pierre Beauchamps

    Became director of Academie Royale de Danse
  • Period: to

    Peter I (Peter the Great)

  • Academie Royal de Danse

    The first ballet school opened and gave opportunity to those wanting to learn more complicated dance steps.
  • Period: to

    Empress Anna Ivanova

  • Period: to

    Jean Baptiste Lande

  • Opera-Ballet began

    A new theatrical form came into existence.
  • Paris Opera ballet school opened

  • Camargo had debut at Paris Opera

    Marie- Ann de Cupis de Camargo made daring steps at her debut at Paris Opera.
  • Imperial Ballet School

    1st ballet school in Russia
  • Jean Georges Noverre

    French dancer and ballet master
  • Lettres sur la danse et sur les ballets

    Jean George Novarre's treatise was published.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    During this period of time, ballet steps became more complex and harder to notate.
  • Period: to

    Marie Taglioni

  • Period: to

    August Bournonville

  • Period: to

    Jules Perrot

    French dancer and master choreographer
  • Period: to

    Fanny Elssler-Austrian

  • Period: to

    Fanny Cerrito

  • Period: to

    Marius Patipa

  • Period: to

    Carlotta Grisi

  • Period: to

    Lucille Grahn

  • Period: to

    "Master Juba"

  • Minstrelsy

  • Period: to

    Romantic Ballet

  • La Sylphide

    One of the world's oldest existing romantic ballets premiered.
  • Cult of the Ballerina

    Ballerinas were idolized throughout Europe
  • Giselle

    Considered a masterwork in the classical ballet
  • Pas de Quatre

  • Period: to

    Enrico Cecchetti

  • Period: to

    Loie Fuller

    Modern dance and Choreographer
  • Period: to

    Perina Legnani

  • Don Quixote

    Choreographed by Marius Petipa
  • Period: to

    Nikolai Legat

  • Coppelia Comic Ballet

  • Period: to

    Sergei Diaghliev

  • Period: to

    Classical Period

  • Period: to

    Isadora Duncan

  • Period: to

    Bill "Bojangles" Robinson

  • Period: to

    Ruth St. Denis

    American dancer
  • Period: to

    Agrippina Vaganova

  • Period: to

    Rudolf von Laban

  • Fin de siecle

  • Tango

  • Period: to

    Early Modern Dance

  • Period: to

    Michel Fokine

  • Period: to

    Ana Pavlova

  • Period: to

    Mary Wigman

  • Sleeping Beauty Ballet

    Choreographed by Marius Petipa
  • Period: to

    Vaslav Nijinsky

  • Period: to

    Art Nouveau Movement

  • Period: to

    Asadata Dafora

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Ted Shawn

    Modern dance pioneer
  • Period: to

    Bronislava Nijinska

  • Serpentine Dance

  • The Nutcracker

  • Period: to

    Hanya Holm

  • Period: to

    Martha Graham

    American modern dancer and choreographer
  • Swan Lake

  • Period: to

    Doris Humphrey

  • Period: to

    Leonide Massine

  • Mir Iskusstva (World of Art) group

  • Period: to

    Fred Astaire

  • Period: to

    Kurt Jooss

  • Period: to

    Charles Weidman

  • Period: to

    "Two colored" Rule

  • Period: to

    Richard Rogers

  • Period: to

    "Bubbles" Sublett

  • Period: to

    "Buck" Washington

  • Period: to

    George Balanchine

  • The Dying Swan

  • Period: to

    Agnes de Mille

  • Period: to

    Lincoln Kirsten

  • Period: to

    Antony Tudor

  • The Isadorables

  • Period: to

    Katherine Dunham

  • Firebird

  • Period: to

    Alwin Nikolais

  • Petrushka

  • Period: to

    Jack Cole

  • Period: to

    Ginger Rogers

  • Afternoon of the Faun

  • Period: to

    Gene Kelly

  • The Rite of Spring

  • Period: to

    Fayard Antonio Nichols

  • Denishawn

    Dance School and Company
  • Period: to

    Michael Kidd

  • Parade

  • "Golden Age" of Russian Ballet

  • Period: to

    Howard "Sandman" Sims

  • Period: to

    Jerome Robbins

  • Period: to

    Margot Fonteyn

  • Period: to

    Pearl Primus

  • Period: to

    Merce Cunningham

  • Neoclassical Ballet Begins

  • Black Bottom

  • Period: to

    Harold Lloyd Nichols

  • Les Noces

  • Period: to

    Middle Modern Dance

  • Period: to

    Gus Giordano

  • Period: to

    "Luigi" (Eugene Louis Faccuito)

  • Charleston

  • Showboat

  • The Jazz Singer

  • Period: to

    Bob Fosse

  • Apollo (ballet)

  • Labanotation

  • Heretic

  • Lamentation

  • Shim-Sham Shimmy

  • Period: to

    Paul Taylor

  • Period: to

    Stephen Sondheim

  • The Green Table

  • Yvonne Ranier

  • Period: to

    Arthur Mitchel

  • Serenade (ballet)

  • Porgy and Bess

  • Jardin Aux Lilas (Lilac Garden)

  • Period: to

    Trisha Brown

  • Dark Elegies

  • Big Apple

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  • Babes in Arms

  • Period: to

    Rudolf Nureyev

  • Steve Paxton

  • Natalie Makarova

  • Period: to

    Pina Bausch

  • Period: to

    "Golden Age" of Musicals

  • Twyla Tharp

  • Rodeo

  • Oklahoma

  • Period: to

    Gregory Hines

  • Fancy Free

  • On the town

  • Cover Girl

  • Mats Ek

  • Carousel

  • Anchors Aweigh

  • Late Modern Dance period begins

  • The Four Temperaments

  • Cave of the Heart

  • Jiri Killian

  • Brigadoon

  • Mikhail Baryshnikov

  • William Forsythe

  • South Pacific

  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

  • Cinderella

  • Annie Get your Gun

  • The King and I

  • American in Paris

  • Alice in Wonderland

  • Paint Your Wagon

  • Ohad Naharin

  • Bill T. Jones

  • American Bandstand

  • Singin' in the Rain

  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

  • Peter Pan

  • Edouard Lock

  • White Christmas

  • The Girl in Pink Tights

  • The Lady and the Tramp

  • DJ Kool Herc

  • Mark Morris

  • Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

  • Stars and Stripes

  • Appalachian Spring

  • Ailey American Dance Theatre

  • Period: to

    Michael Jackson

  • Sleeping Beauty

  • The Sound of Music

  • Revelations

  • Anne Teresa de Keersmaker

  • Butoh

  • West Side Story

  • Aureole

    Paul Taylor choreographed dance
  • Paula Abdul

  • Period: to

    The Judson Church

  • Bye Bye Birdie

  • The Fiddler on the Roof

  • Mary Poppins

  • Mia Michaels

  • Janet Jackson

  • Cabaret

  • Jewels

  • Jungle Book

  • Hair

  • Period: to

    Ballin' Jack

  • Waacking

  • Disco

  • House Music

  • Pilobus

  • Christopher Wheeldon

  • Cloud Gate Dance Theatre

  • The Rocky Horror Show

  • Savion Glover

  • The Leaves are Fading

  • Esplanade

  • Sankai Juku

  • A Chorus Line

  • Chicago

  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show

  • A Chorus Line

  • Push Comes to Shove

  • Grease

  • Evita

  • Music Videos

  • Vogue

  • Period: to

    Lalala HumanSteps

  • MTV

  • Rosas dance Rosas

  • Creole Giselle

  • House Dance

  • Period: to

    Oscar Hammerstein II

  • In the Upper Room

  • DV8 Physical Theatre

  • Lady Gaga

  • The Phantom of the Opera

  • In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated

  • Smooth Criminal

  • Cold Hearted Snake

  • Hairspray

  • Rhythm Nation

  • The Little Mermaid

  • Start of Modern Dance

  • Maple Leaf Rag

  • Achterland

  • Krump

  • Beauty and the Beast

  • Strange Fish

  • Aladdin

  • Newsies

  • Appalachian Spring

  • The Lion King

  • Still Here

  • Bring in da Noise, Bring in the Funk

  • Rent

  • Moon Water

  • Anchors Aweigh

  • South African Suite

  • Kagemi-Beyond the Metaphors of Mirrors

  • Wicked

  • Cost of Living

  • After the Rain

  • Vollmond (Full Moon)

  • Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street

  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  • The Loss of Small Detail

  • Hamilton

  • The Greatest Showman

  • Rain on Me

  • Breaking