War of 1812

  • President Madison makes a deal

    Madison made deal with France and Great Britain made cease on attacking american ships Madison and Jefferson wanted to avoid war. Instead the tired to hurt Britain by stopping trade. The embargo was a disaster.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Harrison attacked the Prophetstown on Tippecanoe river. While Tecumseh to make more allies.The Prophet went under pressure and fought.
  • Perry Captured a British Fleet

    Perry's ships defeated British naval force. Lake Erie was now under American control.Tecumseh was killed in the battle.
  • Battle of the Thames river

    The Battle of Thames was the US victory but Tecumseh was killed.
  • The British attack

    The British attacked Washington D.C. also they burned the capital and the White house.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans is a major battle of the war of 1812 and the most one-sided battle of that war
  • Napoleons defeat

    Allowed the British to commit more troops to the war in the US
  • British attacked Baltimore

    The British attacked successfully and to seize the key at the city's defense,Fort McHenry. Patriots were ready to risk their fortunes and lives.