US Expansionism-Jazmine Frazer

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  • Sinking of the US Maine

    Sinking of the US Maine
    When there was a revelution in Cuba and it wnted to finally be free of Spain, the US sent a ship to help protect it from Spain. But one night it exploded and sunk, and so the US declared war and thus began the Spainish-American war.
  • Spainish-American War

    Spainish-American War
    This war was started because of a revelution in Cuba, the sining of a US ship, and high tensions. The war lasted 3 months, 2 eeks, and 4 days. It began on April 25th, 1898. It ended Augest 12th of the same year.
  • Acquisition of Hawaii

    Acquisition of Hawaii
    Hawaii was annexed as a territory in 1898 and Sanford Dole became mayor. Sugar and pineapple plantations popped up because of US settleers in Hawaii, and Hawaii became a state (the 15th) in 1959.
  • Acquisition of Philippines

    Acquisition of Philippines
    At the end of the Spanish-American war, the Philipines was annexed as a territoy of the US as part of a peace treaty with Spain.
  • Acquisition of Guam

    Acquisition of Guam
    After the Spanish-American war, the US was given Guam along with the Philipines and Hawaii.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    This is policy created by Americans in 1899 that stated that all countries have trading rights with Cina, and was used to open Asian markets to the US and other countries (so long as those other countries had good relations with the US).
  • Roosevelt Corollery

    Roosevelt Corollery
    Teddy Roosevelt barred other countries from using force to collect debt form countried that owed then. If they did owe debt, then all that need be done was to tell the US and they would get it for you, because the US was now the policemen of the world.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Presient Taft made this when he was in office, and all it did was encourage investing in Carabean countries. If a country could not pay off the loans from having American business come over to help out, then troops were sent over and the territory was annexed. Hawaii was gained this way.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Siberian man and this caused the tension that had built up to explode. Allies declared war against their allies's enemies, and WW1 began.
  • Begining of WW1

    Begining of WW1
    After Archduke Ferdinand's assassination, Europe grouped with one another's allies to mak ethe Allies and the Central Powers and began to fight in the war that would consume the world.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The US agreed with Panama rebels to send troops to help fight in exchange for a ten mile strip of land to make a canal with. The rebels agreed and to this day the Panama Canal is still a trading and transportation hub.
  • German Proclimation

    German Proclimation
    Germany claimed that the waters around the British Isles were now considered a war zone, and Germany would sink any ship that entered that area. (Alos called Unrestricted Submarine Warfare)
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    A British passanger ship that happened to be the sister to the Titanic was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine and over 120 Americans died.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    Germany really did not want America to get into the war, so in an attempt to calm the cries for war it pledge to not ever sink another merchant ship without warning first.
  • Unrestricted Sub Warfare Continues

    Unrestricted Sub Warfare Continues
    Germany resumes U boat attacks on American ships
  • Zimmerman Telegraph

    British intel intercepted a message between Germany and Mexico from a German leader named Zimmerman that called for Mexico to declare war on the US and after the war across the world is over, Germany would come in and finish us off. Mexico would get all the land it lost in return.
  • Wilson's 14 Points

    Wilson's 14 Points
    1. No more secret agreements
    2. Free Navigation of all seas
    3. An end to all economic barriers between countries
    4. Countries must reduce weapon numbers
    5. All decisions regarding colonies should be impartial
    6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia. Russia should be left to develope her own political set-up
    7. Belgium should be independant as before the war
    8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine And so on and so forth be Woodrow Wilson