UNIX Timeline - ESOC 210

  • Before Unix - Bell Labs Develops Multics

    Before the 1969 invention of UNIX, hacker at Bell Labs at University, California Berkley Ken Thompson, was involved with developing a time-sharing OS which was called Multics.
  • Before Unix - The End of Multics

    Before the 1969 invention of UNIX, Multics began to become an unusable "white elephant" which resulted in Bell Labs ending their Multics project.
  • Before Unix - Ken Thompson Begins Creating

    Missing his work creating Multics, Thompson began to implement ideas he had collected from working on Multics and his own work from his DEC PDP-7.
  • Ken Thompson Invents Unix

    In 1969, Thompson invented UNIX at Bell Labs at University of California, Berkley.
  • Dennis Ritchie Invents Language "C"

    Using the forming version of Thompson's UNIX, Dennis Ritchie invented a new language that was called language "C". This language was designed to be more pleasant and flexible for users than UNIX.
  • Thompson & Ritchie Win Bid

    In 1971, the tools that were created by Thompson gained large popularity among their lab. Thompson & Ritchie won a bid which would produce what we now know as office-automation system.
  • UNIX Use Spreads

    IN 1980 UNIX was now used by universities, research computing sites and at home hackers across the nation.
  • Stallman Free Software Foundation

    Stallman works to formed the Free Software Foundation.
  • UNIX & Language C Widely Used

    In the early 1980's, the combination of UNIX & Language C was used for a range of computing skills. It rapidly was used by AT&T.
  • UNIX is First Usenet

    In 1980 UNIX became the first usenet that would become larger than ARPAnet. This created a network nation and influenced hacker culture.
  • Stallman Clones UNIX

    From 1980-1982, Stallman attempted to clone UNIX using language "C" to release for free to the public. This was a pivotal moment in the history of hackerdom.
  • Bell Lab Employees found Sun Microsystems

    In 1982, employees from Bell Lab founded Sun Microsystems. They did this with the plan to run on cheaper hardware using UNIX. This proved to be successful for them.
  • "Death Blow"

    In 1983, DEC canceled its following of PDP-10. They wanted to focus on PDP-11 and VAX lines which mean ITs would come to an end.
  • Internet and Usenet

    In 1984, when AT&T backed down and UNIX became a commercial product, focus was on Internet and Usenet.
  • Hackers Have Access To Higher Quality Computers

    By 1990, hackers gained the access to advanced, at home computers where they were able to do everything someone could do with professional computers.
  • Developments

    Although many thought UNIX was coming to an end in 1993 and 1994, UNIX began having positive results from developments again.