Unit 1 Timeline

  • 1215

    Magna Carta is passed

    Magna Carta is passed
    Provided the basis for the principle od limed government/ limited not absolute
  • First colony is established at Jamestown, VA

    First colony is established at Jamestown, VA
    First permanent English settlement in north America.
  • British defeat of the French in the French and Indian War

    British defeat of the French in the French and Indian War
    American colonists don't need the British to protect them from the French anymore.
  • Stamp Act is passed

    Stamp Act is passed
    A direct tax on the colonist's ex documents, newspaper
  • Stamp Act Congress meets

    Stamp Act Congress meets
    To protest king Georges's actions. argued that only colonial legislatures could impose direct taxes such as the stamp tax.
  • Intolerable (Coercive) Acts are passed

    Intolerable (Coercive) Acts are passed
    Closed Boston harbor and withdrew the right of the Massachusetts colony to govern itself.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Protest that the colonists didn't want to buy British goods which lead to the repeal of the stamp act.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    Posted an embargo on Britain and not to use British goods.
  • “Shot heard ‘round the world” is fired

    “Shot heard ‘round the world” is fired
    “blows must be decided whether they are to be subject to this country or independent. The first battle of the revolutionary war.
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets
    Assumed the powers of a central government and served as the acting governor of the colonies throughout the war.
  • English Bill of Rights is passed

    English Bill of Rights is passed
    set clear limits on what rules could and couldn't do.
    swore an oath to govern England according to the “statutes in parliament”
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Declaration of Independence is signed
    Made us an independent state and freed us of control of great Britain.
  • Ratification (passage) of the Articles of Confederation

    Ratification (passage) of the Articles of Confederation
    Article continued the structure and operation of government as established under the second continental congress.
  • The Constitutional Convention begins

    The Constitutional Convention begins
    The Majority vote of states present makes decisions (1 vote per state) 7 out of 13 have to be present
  • Unanimous (13th State passes) ratification of the Constitution

    Unanimous (13th State passes) ratification of the Constitution
    When the new constitution became law nine of the thirteen states had to ratify it.