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Timeline of History

By jo.time
  • 3000 BCE

    Egypt Unites

    Egypt Unites
  • 2400 BCE

    Temple Platforms are Built in Peru

    Temple Platforms are Built in Peru
  • 2050 BCE

    Middle Kingdom of Egypt Begins

    Middle Kingdom of Egypt Begins
  • 2000 BCE

    Development of Chinese Writing

    Development of Chinese Writing
  • 1503 BCE

    Reign of Queen Hatshepsut

    Reign of Queen Hatshepsut
  • 1350 BCE

    Akhenaton and Nefertiti Begin Their Rule

    Akhenaton and Nefertiti Begin Their Rule
  • 750 BCE

    Greeks Colonize the Mediterranean

    Greeks Colonize the Mediterranean
  • 566 BCE

    Buddha is Born

    Buddha is Born
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius is Born

    Confucius is Born
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic is Established

    Roman Republic is Established
  • 500 BCE

    Adena Mounds are Built in Ohio

    Adena Mounds are Built in Ohio
  • 221 BCE

    China has First Emperor

    China has First Emperor
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty Begins in China

    Han Dynasty Begins in China
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar is Killed

    Julius Caesar is Killed
  • 100

    Paper Invented in China

    Paper Invented in China
  • 476

    Roman Empire Falls

    Roman Empire Falls
  • 500

    Height of Mayan Civilization

    Height of Mayan Civilization
  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    Muhammad is Born
  • 600

    Islam Spread to North Africa

    Islam Spread to North Africa
  • 800

    Arab Trader Brought Paper From China

    Arab Trader Brought Paper From China
  • 960

    Song Dynasty Began in China

    Song Dynasty Began in China
  • 1215

    English Magna Cara Signed

    English Magna Cara Signed
  • 1438

    Incan Empire Founded

    Incan Empire Founded
  • 1492

    Columbus Reaches the Caribbean

    Columbus Reaches the Caribbean
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    Declaration of Independence Signed
  • President Lincoln is Killed

    President Lincoln is Killed
  • WW2 Begins

    WW2 Begins
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
  • Soviet Union Break Apart

    Soviet Union Break Apart
  • Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa