Timeline of Creation

  • Period: 9999 BCE to 1657 BCE

    Time covered by the Book of Genesis

  • 4026 BCE

    Adam Created

  • 3096 BCE

    Death of Adam

  • 2370 BCE

    start of the Flood

  • 2018 BCE

    Abraham born

  • Period: 1961 BCE to 1940 BCE

    Naplanum rules over Babylon

  • 1943 BCE

    Abrahamic covenant validated

  • Period: 1940 BCE to 1912 BCE

    Emisum rules over Babylon

  • Period: 1912 BCE to 1877 BCE

    Samium rules over Babylon

  • Period: 1877 BCE to 1868 BCE

    Zabaia rules over Babylon

    Son of Samium, First royal inscription
  • Period: 1868 BCE to 1841 BCE

    Gungunum rules over Babylon

    Gutian king who gained independence from Lipit-Eshtar of Isin
  • Period: 1841 BCE to 1830 BCE

    Abisare rules over Babylon

  • Period: 1830 BCE to 1801 BCE

    Sumuel rules over Babylon

  • Period: 1801 BCE to 1785 BCE

    Nur-Adad rules over Babylon

    Contemporary of Sumu-Ia-El
  • Period: 1785 BCE to 1778 BCE

    Sin-Iddinam rules over Babylon

    Son of Nur-Adad
  • Period: 1778 BCE to 1776 BCE

    Sin-Eribam rules over Babylon

  • Period: 1776 BCE to 1771 BCE

    Sin-Iqisham rules over Babylon

    Contemporary of Zambiya of Isin, son of Sin-Eribam
  • Period: 1771 BCE to 1770 BCE

    Silli-Adad rules over Babylon

  • Period: 1770 BCE to 1758 BCE

    Warad-Sin rules over Babylon

    Possible co-regency with Kudur-Mabuk, his father
  • Period: 1758 BCE to 1699 BCE

    Rim-Sin 1 rules over Babylon

    Contemporary of Irdanene of Uruk, Defeated by Hammurabi of Babylon, Brother of Warad-Sin
  • 1750 BCE

    Joseph sold as a slave

  • Period: 1699 BCE to 1686 BCE

    Hammurabi rules over Babylon

    Official Babylonian rule, code of Hammurabi
  • Period: 1686 BCE to 1678 BCE

    Samsu-iluna rules over Babylon

    Official Babylonian rule
  • Period: 1678 BCE to 1674 BCE

    Rim-Sin II rules over Babylon

    Killed in revolt against Babylon
  • 1657 BCE

    Joseph dies

  • Period: 1657 BCE to 1512 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Exodus

  • Period: 1657 BCE to 1473 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Job

  • 1613 BCE

    Job’s trial

    Before 1613 BCE
  • 1513 BCE

    Israelites leave Egypt

  • 1513 BCE

    Mosaic Law covenant

  • 1513 BCE

    Moses completes the book of Genesis

  • 1512 BCE

    Moses completes the book of Exodus, Leviticus

  • 1512 BCE

    Tabernacle completed

  • 1473 BCE

    Moses completes the book of Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Job

  • 1473 BCE

    Israel enters Canaan under Joshua

  • 1473 BCE

    Joshua commissioned to succeed Moses

  • 1473 BCE

    Israel enters Canaan

  • Period: 1473 BCE to 1450 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Joshua

  • 1467 BCE

    Tribes receive land after conquest

  • 1467 BCE

    Major conquest of the land completed

  • 1450 BCE

    Joshua completes book of Joshua

  • Period: 1450 BCE to 1120 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Judges

  • Period: 1180 BCE to 1078 BCE

    Time covered by the book of 1 Samuel

  • 1117 BCE

    Saul anointed as king

  • 1100 BCE

    Samuel completes the book of Judges

  • 1090 BCE

    Samuel completes the book of Ruth

  • 1078 BCE

    Samuel; Gad; Nathan complete the book of 1 Samuel

  • Period: 1077 BCE to 1038 BCE

    David’s reign

  • Period: 1077 BCE to 1040 BCE

    Time covered by the book of 2 Samuel

  • Period: 1077 BCE to 1037 BCE

    Time covered by 1 Chronicles

  • 1070 BCE

    Davidic covenant

    God makes Kingdom promise to David
  • 1040 BCE

    Gad; Nathan complete the book of 2 Samuel

  • Period: 1040 BCE to 911 BCE

    Time covered by the book of 1 Kings

  • 1037 BCE

    Solomon becomes king

  • Period: 1037 BCE to 998 BCE

    Solomon’s reign

  • Period: 1037 BCE to 537 BCE

    Time covered by 2 Chronicles

  • 1027 BCE

    Temple in Jerusalem completed

  • 1026 BCE

    Temple inaugurated

  • 1020 BCE

    Song of Solomon completed

  • 1020 BCE

    Solomon completes the book of The Song of Solomon

  • 1000 BCE

    Solomon completes the book of Ecclesiastes

  • 997 BCE

    Israel is divided into two kingdoms

  • Period: 920 BCE to 580 BCE

    Time covered by the book of 2 Kings

  • 844 BCE

    Jonah completes the book of Jonah

  • 820 BCE

    Joel completes the book of Joel?

  • 804 BCE

    Amos completes the book of Amos

  • Period: 804 BCE to 745 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Hosea

  • Period: 778 BCE to 732 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Isaiah

  • Period: 777 BCE to 717 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Micah

  • 745 BCE

    Hosea completes the book of Hosea

  • 732 BCE

    Isaiah completes the book of Isaiah

  • 732 BCE

    Isaiah prophesies the conquest of Babylon

  • 717 BCE

    Compiling of Proverbs completed

  • 717 BCE

    Micah completes the book of Micah

  • 717 BCE

    Solomon, Agur, and Lemuel complete the book of Proverbs

  • 648 BCE

    Zephaniah completes the book of Zephaniah

  • 647 BCE

    Jeremiah commissioned as a prophet

  • Period: 647 BCE to 580 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Jeremiah

  • 632 BCE

    Nahum completes the book of Nahum

  • 628 BCE

    Habakukk completes the book of Habakukk?

  • 625 BCE

    Baruch first mentioned as assisting Jeremiah

  • Period: 618 BCE to 536 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Daniel

  • Period: 613 BCE to 591 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Ezekiel

  • 607 BCE

    Obadiah completes the book of Obadiah

  • 607 BCE

    Babylon destroys Jerusalem

    Exile in Babylon begins
  • 607 BCE

    the desolation of Judah

  • 607 BCE

    Jeremiah completes the book of Lamentations

  • 607 BCE

    Temple destroyed

  • 591 BCE

    Ezekiel completes the book of Ezekiel

  • 580 BCE

    Jeremiah completes the book of 1 Kings

  • 580 BCE

    Jeremiah completes the book of 2 Kings

  • 580 BCE

    Jeremiah completes the book of Jeremiah

  • 539 BCE

    Babylon conquered by Cyrus

  • 537 BCE

    Altar set up; sacrifices offered

    Ezra 3:3
    So they set the altar up on its former site, despite their fear of the peoples of the surrounding lands,+ and they began offering up burnt sacrifices to Jehovah on it, the morning and the evening burnt sacrifices.
  • 537 BCE

    Cyrus decreed that the temple be rebuilt

    Cyrus decreed that the temple be rebuilt
  • 537 BCE

    Jewish exiles return to Jerusalem

  • Period: 537 BCE to 467 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Ezra

  • 536 BCE

    Temple foundation laid

    Ezra 3:10, 11
  • 536 BCE

    Daniel completes the book of Daniel

  • 536 BCE

    Foundation of second temple laid

  • 523 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

  • 522 BCE

    King Artaxerxes stopped temple construction

    Ezra 4:23, 24
  • 520 BCE

    Haggai completes the book of Haggai

  • 520 BCE

    Zechariah and Haggai encouraged the people to resume temple construction

    Ezra 5:1, 2
  • Period: 520 BCE to 518 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Zechariah

  • 518 BCE

    Zechariah completes the book of Zechariah

  • 515 BCE

    Temple completed

    Ezra 6:15
  • Period: 493 BCE to 475 BCE

    Time covered by the book of Esther

  • 475 BCE

    Mordecai completes the book of Esther

  • 460 BCE

    David and others complete the book of Psalms

  • 460 BCE

    Ezra completes the books of 1 & 2 Chronicles

  • 460 BCE

    Ezra completes the book of Ezra

  • Period: 456 BCE to 443 BCE

    Time covered by the book Nehemiah

  • 455 BCE

    Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt; 69 weeks of years begin

  • 455 BCE

    Wall Construction begins despite opposition

    Nehemiah 3:1; 4:7-9
  • 455 BCE

    Nehemiah seeks permission to rebuild Jerusalem, the center of true worship in his day

    Nehemiah 2:4-6
  • 455 BCE

    Nehemiah arrives about this time and inspects the city wall

    Nehemiah 2:11-15
  • 455 BCE

    52 days later, the wall is completed

    Nehemiah 6:15
  • 443 BCE

    Nehemiah completes the book of Nehemiah

  • 443 BCE

    Malachi completes his prophetic book

  • Period: 127 BCE to 107 BCE

    Cleopatra III rules Egypt

    Restored with Ptolemy VIII; later co-regent with Ptolemy IX and X.
  • Period: 124 BCE to 116 BCE

    Cleopatra II rules Egypt

    Reconciled with Ptolemy VIII; co-ruled with Cleopatra III and Ptolemy until 116.
  • Period: 116 BCE to 115 BCE

    Cleopatra IV rules egypt

    Shortly married to Ptolemy IX, but was pushed out by Cleopatra III
  • Period: 116 BCE to 110 BCE

    Ptolemy IX Soter II rules Egypt

    Died 80 BC
  • Period: 110 BCE to 109 BCE

    Ptolemy X Alexander I rules Egypt

    Died 88 BC
  • 98 BCE

    Apostle John completes the book of John

  • Period: 81 BCE to 80 BCE

    Berenice III rules Egypt

    Forced to marry Ptolemy XI; murdered on his orders 19 days later
  • Period: 80 BCE to 58 BCE

    Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes)

    Son of Ptolemy IX; died 51 BC
  • Period: 80 BCE to 80 BCE

    Ptolemy XI Alexander II rules Egypt

    Young son of Ptolemy X Alexander; installed by Sulla; ruled for 80 days before being lynched by citizens for killing Berenice III
  • Period: 79 BCE to 68 BCE

    Cleopatra V Tryphaena rules Egypt

    Wife of Ptolemy XII, mother of Berenice IV
  • Period: 58 BCE to 55 BCE

    Berenice IV rules Egypt

    Daughter of Ptolemy XII; forced to marry Seleucus Kybiosaktes, but had him strangled. Joint rule with Cleopatra VI until 57 BC.
  • Period: 58 BCE to 57 BCE

    Cleopatra VI rules Egypt

    Daughter of Ptolemy XII
  • Period: 55 BCE to 51 BCE

    Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos rules Egypt

    Restored; reigned briefly with his daughter Cleopatra VII before his death
  • Period: 51 BCE to 47 BCE

    Ptolemy XIII rules Egypt

    Brother of Cleopatra VII
  • Period: 51 BCE to 30 BCE

    Cleopatra VII rules Egypt

    Jointly with her father Ptolemy XII, her brother Ptolemy XIII, her brother-husband Ptolemy XIV, and her son Ptolemy XV; in modern usage, the stand alone use of Cleopatra with no ordinal number usually refers to Cleopatra VII
  • Period: 48 BCE to 47 BCE

    Arsinoe IV rules Egypt

    In opposition to Cleopatra VII
  • Period: 47 BCE to 44 BCE

    Ptolemy XIV rules Egypt

    Younger brother of Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII
  • 44 BCE

    Malachi completes the book of Malachi

  • Period: 44 BCE to 30 BCE

    Ptolemy XV Rules over Egypt

    Infant son of Cleopatra VII; aged 3 when proclaimed co-ruler with Cleopatra. Last known ruler of ancient Egypt when Rome took over.
  • 2 BCE

    Birth of Jesus

  • Period: 2 BCE to 33

    Time covered by the book of Matthew

  • 29

    Jesus begins his ministry

    Jesus is baptized and begins to preach about God’s Kingdom
  • Period: 29 to 70

    The 'year of goodwill'

  • Period: 29 to 33

    Time covered by the book of John

  • 31

    Jesus chooses his 12 apostles; delivers Sermon on the Mount

  • 32

    Jesus resurrects Lazarus

  • 33

    Pentecost; outpouring of holy spirit

    (Sivan corresponds to part of May and part of June)
  • 33

    Death of Jesus

  • 33

    Jesus is impaled, resurrected 2 days later

    (Nisan corresponds to part of March and part of April)
  • Period: 33 to 61

    Time covered by the book of Acts

  • 36

    Cornelius becomes a Christian

  • 41

    Matthew completes the book of Matthew

  • Period: 47 to 48

    Paul's 1st missionary tour

  • Period: 49 to 52

    Paul's 2nd missionary tour

  • 50

    Paul completes the book of Galatians & 1Thessalonians

  • Period: 52 to 56

    Paul's 3rd missionary tour

  • 55

    Paul completes the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians

  • 56

    Paul completes the book of Romans

  • 57

    Luke completes the book of Luke

    (sometime between 56 and 58)
  • Period: 59 to 61

    Paul's 1st imprisonment in Rome

  • 60

    Paul completes the book of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon

  • 61

    Luke completes the book of Acts

  • 61

    Paul completes the book of Hebrews

  • 62

    James (Jesus' brother) completes the book of James

  • Period: 62 to 64

    Peter in Babylon

  • 63

    Mark completes the book of Mark

    (sometime between 60 and 65)
  • 64

    Paul completes the book of 1 Timothy

    (between 61 and 64)
  • 64

    Paul completes the book of Titus

    (between 61 and 64)
  • 64

    Peter completes the books of 1 & 2 Peter

  • 65

    Paul completes the book of 2 Timothy

  • 65

    Jude (Jesus' brother) completes the book of Jude

  • 66

    Jews revolt against Rome

  • 70

    Temple destroyed

  • 96

    Apostle John completes the book of Revelation

  • 96

    John writes Revelation

  • 98

    Apostle John completes the book of 1, 2, & 3 John

  • 100

    Death of John, the last of the apostles

  • Jesus' enthronement in heaven