Period: 9999 BCE to 1657 BCE
Time covered by the Book of Genesis
4026 BCE
Adam Created
3096 BCE
Death of Adam
2370 BCE
start of the Flood
2018 BCE
Abraham born
Period: 1961 BCE to 1940 BCE
Naplanum rules over Babylon
1943 BCE
Abrahamic covenant validated
Period: 1940 BCE to 1912 BCE
Emisum rules over Babylon
Period: 1912 BCE to 1877 BCE
Samium rules over Babylon
Period: 1877 BCE to 1868 BCE
Zabaia rules over Babylon
Son of Samium, First royal inscription -
Period: 1868 BCE to 1841 BCE
Gungunum rules over Babylon
Gutian king who gained independence from Lipit-Eshtar of Isin -
Period: 1841 BCE to 1830 BCE
Abisare rules over Babylon
Period: 1830 BCE to 1801 BCE
Sumuel rules over Babylon
Period: 1801 BCE to 1785 BCE
Nur-Adad rules over Babylon
Contemporary of Sumu-Ia-El -
Period: 1785 BCE to 1778 BCE
Sin-Iddinam rules over Babylon
Son of Nur-Adad -
Period: 1778 BCE to 1776 BCE
Sin-Eribam rules over Babylon
Period: 1776 BCE to 1771 BCE
Sin-Iqisham rules over Babylon
Contemporary of Zambiya of Isin, son of Sin-Eribam -
Period: 1771 BCE to 1770 BCE
Silli-Adad rules over Babylon
Period: 1770 BCE to 1758 BCE
Warad-Sin rules over Babylon
Possible co-regency with Kudur-Mabuk, his father -
Period: 1758 BCE to 1699 BCE
Rim-Sin 1 rules over Babylon
Contemporary of Irdanene of Uruk, Defeated by Hammurabi of Babylon, Brother of Warad-Sin -
1750 BCE
Joseph sold as a slave
Period: 1699 BCE to 1686 BCE
Hammurabi rules over Babylon
Official Babylonian rule, code of Hammurabi -
Period: 1686 BCE to 1678 BCE
Samsu-iluna rules over Babylon
Official Babylonian rule -
Period: 1678 BCE to 1674 BCE
Rim-Sin II rules over Babylon
Killed in revolt against Babylon -
1657 BCE
Joseph dies
Period: 1657 BCE to 1512 BCE
Time covered by the book of Exodus
Period: 1657 BCE to 1473 BCE
Time covered by the book of Job
1613 BCE
Job’s trial
Before 1613 BCE -
1513 BCE
Israelites leave Egypt
1513 BCE
Mosaic Law covenant
1513 BCE
Moses completes the book of Genesis
1512 BCE
Moses completes the book of Exodus, Leviticus
1512 BCE
Tabernacle completed
1473 BCE
Moses completes the book of Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Job
1473 BCE
Israel enters Canaan under Joshua
1473 BCE
Joshua commissioned to succeed Moses
1473 BCE
Israel enters Canaan
Period: 1473 BCE to 1450 BCE
Time covered by the book of Joshua
1467 BCE
Tribes receive land after conquest
1467 BCE
Major conquest of the land completed
1450 BCE
Joshua completes book of Joshua
Period: 1450 BCE to 1120 BCE
Time covered by the book of Judges
Period: 1180 BCE to 1078 BCE
Time covered by the book of 1 Samuel
1117 BCE
Saul anointed as king
1100 BCE
Samuel completes the book of Judges
1090 BCE
Samuel completes the book of Ruth
1078 BCE
Samuel; Gad; Nathan complete the book of 1 Samuel
Period: 1077 BCE to 1038 BCE
David’s reign
Period: 1077 BCE to 1040 BCE
Time covered by the book of 2 Samuel
Period: 1077 BCE to 1037 BCE
Time covered by 1 Chronicles
1070 BCE
Davidic covenant
God makes Kingdom promise to David -
1040 BCE
Gad; Nathan complete the book of 2 Samuel
Period: 1040 BCE to 911 BCE
Time covered by the book of 1 Kings
1037 BCE
Solomon becomes king
Period: 1037 BCE to 998 BCE
Solomon’s reign
Period: 1037 BCE to 537 BCE
Time covered by 2 Chronicles
1027 BCE
Temple in Jerusalem completed
1026 BCE
Temple inaugurated
1020 BCE
Song of Solomon completed
(circa) -
1020 BCE
Solomon completes the book of The Song of Solomon
1000 BCE
Solomon completes the book of Ecclesiastes
997 BCE
Israel is divided into two kingdoms
Period: 920 BCE to 580 BCE
Time covered by the book of 2 Kings
844 BCE
Jonah completes the book of Jonah
820 BCE
Joel completes the book of Joel?
804 BCE
Amos completes the book of Amos
Period: 804 BCE to 745 BCE
Time covered by the book of Hosea
Period: 778 BCE to 732 BCE
Time covered by the book of Isaiah
Period: 777 BCE to 717 BCE
Time covered by the book of Micah
745 BCE
Hosea completes the book of Hosea
732 BCE
Isaiah completes the book of Isaiah
732 BCE
Isaiah prophesies the conquest of Babylon
717 BCE
Compiling of Proverbs completed
(circa) -
717 BCE
Micah completes the book of Micah
717 BCE
Solomon, Agur, and Lemuel complete the book of Proverbs
648 BCE
Zephaniah completes the book of Zephaniah
647 BCE
Jeremiah commissioned as a prophet
Period: 647 BCE to 580 BCE
Time covered by the book of Jeremiah
632 BCE
Nahum completes the book of Nahum
628 BCE
Habakukk completes the book of Habakukk?
625 BCE
Baruch first mentioned as assisting Jeremiah
Period: 618 BCE to 536 BCE
Time covered by the book of Daniel
Period: 613 BCE to 591 BCE
Time covered by the book of Ezekiel
607 BCE
Obadiah completes the book of Obadiah
607 BCE
Babylon destroys Jerusalem
Exile in Babylon begins -
607 BCE
the desolation of Judah
607 BCE
Jeremiah completes the book of Lamentations
607 BCE
Temple destroyed
591 BCE
Ezekiel completes the book of Ezekiel
580 BCE
Jeremiah completes the book of 1 Kings
580 BCE
Jeremiah completes the book of 2 Kings
580 BCE
Jeremiah completes the book of Jeremiah
539 BCE
Babylon conquered by Cyrus
537 BCE
Altar set up; sacrifices offered
Ezra 3:3
So they set the altar up on its former site, despite their fear of the peoples of the surrounding lands,+ and they began offering up burnt sacrifices to Jehovah on it, the morning and the evening burnt sacrifices. -
537 BCE
Cyrus decreed that the temple be rebuilt
537 BCE
Jewish exiles return to Jerusalem
Period: 537 BCE to 467 BCE
Time covered by the book of Ezra
536 BCE
Temple foundation laid
Ezra 3:10, 11 -
536 BCE
Daniel completes the book of Daniel
536 BCE
Foundation of second temple laid
523 BCE
Death of Alexander the Great
522 BCE
King Artaxerxes stopped temple construction
Ezra 4:23, 24 -
520 BCE
Haggai completes the book of Haggai
520 BCE
Zechariah and Haggai encouraged the people to resume temple construction
Ezra 5:1, 2 -
Period: 520 BCE to 518 BCE
Time covered by the book of Zechariah
518 BCE
Zechariah completes the book of Zechariah
515 BCE
Temple completed
Ezra 6:15 -
Period: 493 BCE to 475 BCE
Time covered by the book of Esther
475 BCE
Mordecai completes the book of Esther
460 BCE
David and others complete the book of Psalms
460 BCE
Ezra completes the books of 1 & 2 Chronicles
460 BCE
Ezra completes the book of Ezra
Period: 456 BCE to 443 BCE
Time covered by the book Nehemiah
455 BCE
Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt; 69 weeks of years begin
455 BCE
Wall Construction begins despite opposition
Nehemiah 3:1; 4:7-9 -
455 BCE
Nehemiah seeks permission to rebuild Jerusalem, the center of true worship in his day
Nehemiah 2:4-6 -
455 BCE
Nehemiah arrives about this time and inspects the city wall
Nehemiah 2:11-15 -
455 BCE
52 days later, the wall is completed
Nehemiah 6:15 -
443 BCE
Nehemiah completes the book of Nehemiah
443 BCE
Malachi completes his prophetic book
(after) -
Period: 127 BCE to 107 BCE
Cleopatra III rules Egypt
Restored with Ptolemy VIII; later co-regent with Ptolemy IX and X. -
Period: 124 BCE to 116 BCE
Cleopatra II rules Egypt
Reconciled with Ptolemy VIII; co-ruled with Cleopatra III and Ptolemy until 116. -
Period: 116 BCE to 115 BCE
Cleopatra IV rules egypt
Shortly married to Ptolemy IX, but was pushed out by Cleopatra III -
Period: 116 BCE to 110 BCE
Ptolemy IX Soter II rules Egypt
Died 80 BC -
Period: 110 BCE to 109 BCE
Ptolemy X Alexander I rules Egypt
Died 88 BC -
98 BCE
Apostle John completes the book of John
Period: 81 BCE to 80 BCE
Berenice III rules Egypt
Forced to marry Ptolemy XI; murdered on his orders 19 days later -
Period: 80 BCE to 58 BCE
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Auletes)
Son of Ptolemy IX; died 51 BC -
Period: 80 BCE to 80 BCE
Ptolemy XI Alexander II rules Egypt
Young son of Ptolemy X Alexander; installed by Sulla; ruled for 80 days before being lynched by citizens for killing Berenice III -
Period: 79 BCE to 68 BCE
Cleopatra V Tryphaena rules Egypt
Wife of Ptolemy XII, mother of Berenice IV -
Period: 58 BCE to 55 BCE
Berenice IV rules Egypt
Daughter of Ptolemy XII; forced to marry Seleucus Kybiosaktes, but had him strangled. Joint rule with Cleopatra VI until 57 BC. -
Period: 58 BCE to 57 BCE
Cleopatra VI rules Egypt
Daughter of Ptolemy XII -
Period: 55 BCE to 51 BCE
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos rules Egypt
Restored; reigned briefly with his daughter Cleopatra VII before his death -
Period: 51 BCE to 47 BCE
Ptolemy XIII rules Egypt
Brother of Cleopatra VII -
Period: 51 BCE to 30 BCE
Cleopatra VII rules Egypt
Jointly with her father Ptolemy XII, her brother Ptolemy XIII, her brother-husband Ptolemy XIV, and her son Ptolemy XV; in modern usage, the stand alone use of Cleopatra with no ordinal number usually refers to Cleopatra VII -
Period: 48 BCE to 47 BCE
Arsinoe IV rules Egypt
In opposition to Cleopatra VII -
Period: 47 BCE to 44 BCE
Ptolemy XIV rules Egypt
Younger brother of Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII -
44 BCE
Malachi completes the book of Malachi
Period: 44 BCE to 30 BCE
Ptolemy XV Rules over Egypt
Infant son of Cleopatra VII; aged 3 when proclaimed co-ruler with Cleopatra. Last known ruler of ancient Egypt when Rome took over. -
Birth of Jesus
Period: 2 BCE to 33
Time covered by the book of Matthew
Jesus begins his ministry
Jesus is baptized and begins to preach about God’s Kingdom -
Period: 29 to 70
The 'year of goodwill'
Period: 29 to 33
Time covered by the book of John
Jesus chooses his 12 apostles; delivers Sermon on the Mount
Jesus resurrects Lazarus
Pentecost; outpouring of holy spirit
(Sivan corresponds to part of May and part of June) -
Death of Jesus
Jesus is impaled, resurrected 2 days later
(Nisan corresponds to part of March and part of April) -
Period: 33 to 61
Time covered by the book of Acts
Cornelius becomes a Christian
Matthew completes the book of Matthew
Period: 47 to 48
Paul's 1st missionary tour
Period: 49 to 52
Paul's 2nd missionary tour
Paul completes the book of Galatians & 1Thessalonians
Period: 52 to 56
Paul's 3rd missionary tour
Paul completes the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians
Paul completes the book of Romans
Luke completes the book of Luke
(sometime between 56 and 58) -
Period: 59 to 61
Paul's 1st imprisonment in Rome
Paul completes the book of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon
Luke completes the book of Acts
Paul completes the book of Hebrews
James (Jesus' brother) completes the book of James
Period: 62 to 64
Peter in Babylon
Mark completes the book of Mark
(sometime between 60 and 65) -
Paul completes the book of 1 Timothy
(between 61 and 64) -
Paul completes the book of Titus
(between 61 and 64) -
Peter completes the books of 1 & 2 Peter
Paul completes the book of 2 Timothy
Jude (Jesus' brother) completes the book of Jude
Jews revolt against Rome
Temple destroyed
Apostle John completes the book of Revelation
John writes Revelation
(circa) -
Apostle John completes the book of 1, 2, & 3 John
Death of John, the last of the apostles
(circa) -
Jesus' enthronement in heaven