Timeline Final

By 808375
  • Indian Citizenship Act, 1924

    Indian Citizenship Act, 1924
    The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 gave all U.S. citizenship to all Native Americans that were born in the U.S. (including reservations). This gave them most of the same rights as other Americans and made it so they were later affected by New Deal legislation. However, many states still prevented them from voting so they didn't have a voice in government to help them during the Great Depression or New Deal legislation.
  • Mexican Repatriation

     Mexican Repatriation
    Many Mexicans were deported even if they were born in the U.S. This was to open up jobs for white people during the Great Depression when jobs were scarce.
  • Hoover Dam Authorized

    The Hoover Dam was built to prevent flooding of towns and provide water to rural towns. It also provided jobs to the many citizens needed to build it.
  • Herbert Hoover was Inaugurated

    Herbert Hoover is often blamed for causing or significantly worsening the Great Depression. His inauguration can be seen as the start of a very dark time for the country.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    This is a map of how the dustbowl affected various states
  • Al Capone Opens a Soup Kitchen

    Gangster Steps up to Feed the Hungry Infamous gangster Al Capone uses his wealth to feed people who are unable to afford meals. He says he couldn't just stand by and watch while people suffered, he had to at least try to do something.
  • Hoovervilles pop up

    Hoovervilles pop up
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was passed by Herbert Hoover in an attempt to strengthen the economy and encourage people to buy American-made products. In actuality, this slowed the economy and worsened the Depression.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Japan was also hurt by the depression and invaded Manchuria to gain access to its many natural resources. President Hoover refused to acknowledge Japan's hold on Manchuria but didn't do anything to aid the situation. The U.S. did not send military aid to China and didn't stop trade with Japan.
  • FDR Elected for his First Term

    FDR Elected for his First Term
    The election of 1932 was between FDR and Herbert Hoover. Many people blamed Hoover for making the Great Depression as bad as it was and would choose anyone over him. FDR promised the New Deal to fix the economy, gaining him many supporters.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
  • Emergency Banking Act

    The Emergency Banking Act was made to help people trust banks again and heal the industry. It ensured individual people's money in case of a robbery, banks going bankrupt, or money being lost.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Established

    The TVA was a New Deal program that was supposed to help lower the massive unemployment rates caused by the Great Depression. The TVA was able to kill two birds with one stone by modernizing cities, bringing electricity, and improving infrastructure while providing jobs to people that were laid off.
  • San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins

    San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins
  • Prohibition was Repealed

    Prohibition was Repealed
  • Gold Reserve Act

    Breaking News
    Why the Government is Confiscating Citizens' Gold
    President Roosevelt signed an executive order preventing citizens from owning more than $100 worth of gold, he claims that hoarding gold is slowing the economy and must stop. This act allows the government to confiscate gold for the U.S. treasury and makes it illegal to exchange gold for dollars.
  • Wagner Act

    Breaking News!
    Unions Win Out Over Employers This week the Wagner Act has been passed, making it illegal for employers to prevent the formation and operation of labor unions.
  • First Social Security Number Issued

    PSA your government-issued social security number is something you should protect. It is important if you retire and is a safety net if you get injured and can't work. Don't listen to all the posts saying your number will be censored if you type it. The same applies to your passwords. PSA #socialsecurity #informed
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    The Fair Labor Standards Act set a minimum wage and prevented child labor. Many people weren't being paid enough to live on during the Great Depression but by setting a minimum wage, people were ensured they could live off of one job.