This is Comp Tech

  • First freely programmable computer

    First freely programmable computer
    Invented by Konrad Zuse, this is the start of a world of computers!
  • Andrew Donald Booth invents magnetic drum memory

     Andrew Donald Booth invents magnetic drum memory
    We still use magnetic memory today!
  • The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.

    The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.
    Electronic is still used today!
  • The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT

    The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT
    This is where it begins! From Spacewar then, to SIMS now!
  • The first computer mouse

    The first computer mouse
    Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse (nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end) this is a breakthrough invention! Without the mouse, computers would be a different mecanism!
  • Word processor

    Word processor
    IBM introduces the first word processor! This is vital to all offices and students to come :)
  • E-mail

    Invented by Ray Tomlinson. Online comunication is introduced!
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    the internet is made public. Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau propose a 'hypertext' system starting the modern Internet. Making the internet public litterally changed the world.
  • Google

    Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998. Google makes the internet so easy to use.
  • Skype

    Skype announces that it has over 100 million registered users. This is the next step for online communication since e-mail.