Accusing the Scottsboro Boys
Nine African American boys are arrested at the train stop in Paint Rock, Alabama because of the acusations from two white women; Victoria Price and Ruby Bates of rape.
Photo: Marshall Pass, CO
http://www.ghostdepot.com/rg/mainline/marshall%20route/marshall.htm -
Period: to
Scottsboro boys and their life changing event
Missed the lynch by an inch
The boys just barley escape an angry mob of over 100 people outside their prison wanting to lynch them, before the trials have begun.
photo: Meyers- New York City
http://www.mapsites.net/gotham/DBQs/DraftRiotsDBQ.html -
The first trial
The 8 oldest boys [Andy Wright(19 years) Clarence Norris (19 years) Charlie Weems (19 years) Haywood Patterson (18 years) Olen Montgomery (17 years)
Willie Roberson (17 years) Ozie Powell (16 years) Eugene Williams (13 years)] were sentenced to death and Roy Wright (12 years old) was sentenced to life imprisenment.
photo: Alabama Posthumously Pardon
http://live.drjays.com/index.php/2013/11/22/alabama-posthumously-pardons- -
NAACP trying to help
NAACP's website
From April until December of that year the NAACP and the International Labor defense (ILD) fights the goverment and the judges to represent the boys. Sadly the NAACP gave up their patitioning in January of the next year.
photo: NAACP responds to Alabama Pardoning of Scottsboro boys (same link as above0 -
Second trial
Alabama Supreme Court makes a final decision on the execution of the boys by voting 6-1
photo: U.S. Supreme Court Justice: Historic briefs and footnotes
http://www.wplucey.com/2010/06/us-supreme-court-justices-historic-briefs-footnotes.html -
The Judge's recall
Background on reversed legal decisions
Due to unfair Jury of all whites the Supreme court takes back their decision on execution with a re-vote of 7-2.
photo: Supreme court health care ruling photos
http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/healthcare/health-care-reform-bill.htm?mediatype=Image -
Locial conflict builds
Profile of Judge James Horton
Due to the high tension in Alabama, Judge Horton delays Scottsboro Boys trials.
photo: Scottsboro Stories
http://scottsborostories.blogspot.com/2013/02/will-exoneration-of-scottsboro-boys.html -
The fight moves to Washington
4,000 March in Washington to free Scottsboro Boys- 1933
All the way in Washington D.C., 657 miles away from Scottsboro protesters are marching against the unconstitutional trials occuring inside their country.
photo: 4,000 March in Washington to free the Scottsboro boys- 1933 (same link as above) -
Ozzie Powell's life is chanes permenantly
The Struggles of Ozzie Powell
While sturggling/ fighting against one police Ozzie Powell was shot in the head by another police. This resulted in permenant brain damage after hours of brian surgury.
Photo: Schottsboro Boys- Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottsboro_Boys -
Back and Forth, round and round
Posthumous Pardons in Scottsboro Boys rape cases
Spending more and more time in jail without the final decision the Scottsboro Boys grow tired and weary, haunted by the thought of dying in the elecrric chair. The Alabama Pardon Board turns down the pardoning of Haywood Patterson and Ozie Powell.
Photo: Alamaba Parol Board
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/alabama-parole-board-posthumously-approves-pardons-for-scotts -
The first break
American Experience
Charlie Weems is finally let out of prision on parole. Seven years later after first imprisined. The next year Norris and Andy Wright are parolled in January.
photo: American Experience
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/scottsboro/peopleevents/p_weems.html -
Drastic measures
Haywood Patterson
Haywood Patterson has reached his limit and breaks out of the Scottsboro prison.
photo: American Experience
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/scottsboro/peopleevents/p_patterson.html -
Back to the prison cell
Haywood Patterson
Haywood Patterson was involved in a bar fight that resulted in a death of another man. Patterson is then charged with murder and returned to prison.
photo: Haywood Patterson is dead and gone
http://likethedew.com/2011/08/12/haywood-patterson-is-dead-and-gone/ -
Clearence Norris is released
American Experience
Clarance Norris is pardoned by Alabama Governer George Wallace.
Photo: Clarence Norris
http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/a_f/boyle/norris.htm -
The truth is told
Victoria Price
Victoria Price one of the two women who acused the Scottsboro boys of rape recalls her statement and tells the honest truth that they were covering up their crimes as prostitutes.
Photo: American Experience
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/scottsboro/peopleevents/p_price.html -
The Scottsboro boys fade off
The Scottsboro boys trials
Clarence Norris, the last living of the Scottsboro Boys dies at age 76.
photo: Scottsboro: a civil rights milestone
http://www.wnyc.org/story/250323-scottsboro-civil-rights-milestone/ -
The offical, final pardon
Alabama pardons 3 'Scottsboro boys' after 80 years
Finally, after all this time the Scottsboro boys are offically pardoned by the Govener of Alabama, Robert Bentley.
photo: Scottsboro boys granted pardon