The Middle Ages

  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400

    middle ages

  • Jan 1, 1095

    The Crusades

    This was a war between the Muslims and the Christians for the holy land. In the end the Muslims won and the pope stopped the idea of conquering the holy land.
  • Jan 1, 1330

    Black Plauge

    The black plauge or the bubonic plauge killed 25 million people in just five years. The black plauge was mostly caused by the amount of rodents. The Black Plauge did not entirely dissaper until the 1600s.
  • Jan 13, 1350

    The Renaissance

    This was a time when learning was emerging and philosphers began to show up. Learning became key in time, as did art
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Romen Catholic Church

    The Roman Catholic church was at its peak during the fifteen hundreds, but soon people began to figure out that they didnt need to pay tribute to the church to reach heavan.
  • Fall of the Roman Empire

    There where different types of Christianity forming and people began to say that you didnt need a priest to reach salvation. Another theory would be that they split into to emipres,the western and the eastern.
    Other factors where
    Political corruption
    The Rise of Islam
    Milatary Issues
    Impertial compentation Fall of Rome A.D 476
  • Reconquista

    The re-conquoring of the Iberian Peninsula. it was the Christians vs the Muslims in Spain and Portugal.